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DS game recommendation required. For a child.

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    DS game recommendation required. For a child.

    A small female child wants a new DS game for her seventh birthday. She plays Animal Crossing: WW ever day with one of her parents, Nintendogs and 42 ATC less often. Has a few other games that never get played, like Harvest Moon DS - too much reading. Want to get her something accessible yet actually decent as a game, i.e. not a cartoon licence. Something that'd last too.

    Oh and if it helps, she plays Wii Sports almost every day too, mostly bowling and golf, so she might like something for the Wii.

    Key thing is something good that'd get played - I want her to teach her the importance of being a critical consumer and the importance of spending scarce economic resources wisely (a key life lesson that my parents gave me was to check games reviews in Crash and Your Sinclair before I spent pocket money on Speccy games!) Oh, and she'd demand to play whatever game with her parents or other adult relatives, and an Au Pair, so keep that in mind.

    I've heard that the first Pirates of the Caribbean game is supposed to be good and would hit that target demographic well.

    If she is into golf, I can highly recommend True Swing Golf on the DS, simple interface but is really good to play and can be played two player with one cart.


      My daughter of a similar age like New Super Mario and Pawley Petz - Vets Practice.


        Super Princess Peach?
        Kept you waiting, huh?


          warioware touched oviously! like, duh!


            New Super Mario Bros, Sonic Rush or maybe Yoshi Touch & Go ? At least 2 should be well cheap by now !!!

            Or what about that Cooking Mama game ?


              New Super marios Bros is a great game for all ages - also Mario Kart DS is a pretty good game, easy - fun graphics etc.


                Super Princess Peach, Mario Kart DS and Wario Ware Touched she has played and liked. Just didn't last that long.

                I'll check out New SMB (like likes SMB on the Wii VC) and Cooking Mama.

                I've spotted a huge hole in the market; there really needs to be something like AC:WW for the DS. The only things vaguely similar are things like Harvest Moon, i.e. too wordy and involving for small kids.


                  My niece plays The Sims a lot on her DS, she's 7.


                    Originally posted by muddy View Post
                    My niece plays The Sims a lot on her DS, she's 7.
                    Is it child safe? The Sims I mean.


                      Just to 'bump' this thread, is it worth getting her Wii Play? The simple games and stuff are exactly the sort of thing she'd like. And I can't think of any decent Wii games for kids her age (as I've said, no cartoon/film licenses).


                        Yeah Wii Play is ideal for kids, check my NTSC review of it where I say just that!

                        Eledees looks good for little ones, and I can see kiddies enjoying Rayman Raving Rabbids too.


                          its a crap game for gamers but if its just for kids, Monkey ball banana blits might give them some fun. theres lots of multiplayer/singleplayer mini games and the main game


                            I reckon that Eledees, Kororinpa, WarioWare: Smooth Moves and Wii Play are excellent recommendations for children however, there will be the odd moment or two in Kororinpa and WarioWare where the child may find it difficult or too hectic to play.

                            The fishing game in Wii Play seems to be popular with the (young) children at school / work!

