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Starbreeze's "Other" Games

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    Starbreeze's "Other" Games


    With the release of The Darkness this week, Starbreeze are getting plenty of mention again with plenty of nods towards their great work on Riddick: Escape from butcher Bay.
    But does anyone remember / have played 2 of their earlier Xbox games Enclave & Knights of the Temple. These 2 games really showed the potential of what these guys were trying to acheive, both games i greatly enjoyed, maybe the controls could have been tighter, but for graphics, story and general atmostphere they were hitting high levels.

    So has anyone else played these 2 games, and did you enjoy them?


    I loved Enclave back when it was first released, though I'm not sure how it would hold up now. I remember it being quite impressive technically at the time, but the art style was a bit generic in places.

    Some of it looked great though:

    I know a lot of people avoided it due to complaints about it being far too hard, but I don't really remember having any problems with it, and I played it enough to unlock everything.

    Certainly wouldn't object to having a next-gen sequel to it. Never played KotT, but I think I must be one of the only people that didn't like Riddick.


      well, I for one never even knew they made anything before Riddick! I saw KotT running on its release looked a bit of tosh to be honest. Must hunt down Enclave now though...


        Knights of the Temple was pretty dull, as I recall. Just dismal hack 'n' slash and not particularly pretty.


          Looking like i am the only person who enjoyed KOTT!! I know it had its issue's, but i really enjoyed the whole Knights Templar thing and enjoyed the sword play, the controls could have been tighter and am never sure of context sensitive moves, but it had some lovely moves and was really enjoyable finishing people off in a big battle.


            Originally posted by anephric View Post
            Knights of the Temple was pretty dull, as I recall. Just dismal hack 'n' slash and not particularly pretty.
            I suspect Enclave is probably similar - I enjoyed it at the time, but from what I remember it wasn't too long after launch (I had a PAL Xbox as most games were 60Hz) and there wasn't much else out at the time.


              i wonder about how much influence they had on riddick (riddick being a superb game) as starbreeze had never made a good game before hand, and havent scince.

              there latest effort , the darkness, also looks woefully boring and generic. Hopefully they put some effort into riddick; dark athena and redeem themselves.


                I'm pretty sure Riddick is all theirs: Diesel's Tigon Studios (what have they done since? Where are all these "forthcoming" projects listed on their site?), I'm sure, would've just ensured integrity of assets and such. It was probably Diesel/Tigon's input that made the game jump into third-person so you could see Vin all the time.


                  wasent chronicle of riddick collabaration with another company ?


                    ^ Tigon Studios. It's Vin Diesel's own games company, but since his career's gone a bit pants since The Pacifier they don't don't seem to be doing much, about from announcing vapourware.


                      They made Enclave? Wow, I played that on the PC and really really enjoyed it!


                        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                        i wonder about how much influence they had on riddick (riddick being a superb game) as starbreeze had never made a good game before hand, and havent scince.
                        Spoken like someone thats never played the Darkness , Riddick was all StarBreeze has anyone can see when playing the Darkness .

                        Enclave was brilliant too in my view with at the time some of the best textures ever seen on the X-Box . Just a shame thier In To The Shadows never made it out . In my eyes StarBreeze are the Spiritual successors to Lobotomy

