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Custom Box Arts: Post em up! Plus my attempt at a SFII box from 13 years ago!

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    Custom Box Arts: Post em up! Plus my attempt at a SFII box from 13 years ago!

    Was clearing out some junk the other week from my loft, and came across a box random stuff I had put up there years ago before I left for Uni. Tons of crap such as libray books I had forgotten to take back, NES carts, a few old magazines and other tat. At the bottom of this box, was this...

    My very own made...custom box for Street Fighter II on the Snes! This thing, is probably no less than 13 years old!!! When SFII came out over here in PAL land, if you bought the console pack in version, you got the game in a little baggie. After about 3 years of owning the system and getting back then a respectable amount of games (probably about 8! ) it annoyed me that my SFII cartridge was the only boxless one of the lot. So it was then, I decided to make my own... :UNGGGHARGH:

    I butchered many pages of Mean Machines and CVG to make this monster. All I used was a pair of scissors (obv...), Pritt Stick and...*sigh* a VHS case. Not just any VHS case, noooo. I had to wreck a priceless piece of videogame culture...

    A SUPER MARIO ALLSTARS VHS PROMO VIDEO! Man...what did I do? Theres more though, heres a scan of the the you can print off your very own! Show it with pride to your friends and family. But also use it to zoom up up on some of my skillz.

    So bad. xD

    As you can see, I used the cover of the Mario Allstars page to stick all of the cut out magazine art on. I made a few mistakes and left a bit off a mess on the white background. So what did I do? Yup, used Tipp Ex to make it all dissapear without a trace! Yeah that worked, totally not visible at all.

    I love how I cut out the Super Nintendo and Capcom logo with a black background on it.

    The back of the box is half decent though, just that my scissor skills let it down a bit. Didn't bother with a blurb for it though. :P

    But wait!!! Theres more! >_<;;; This was not just any standard SFII case...made from a VHS case of a Mario Allstars! Its a super Special Edition!

    Interior art and cart holder! To hide the fact that Mario would be visible through the see through case, I plastered the bastard up with white sticky labels. >_< I then butchered some more magazines for SFII art, and stole a SSFII picture of Ryu and plonked him in there as well.

    ...I remember cutting off his nose by accident. >_<

    The cart holder was made by overlapping mutliple sticky labels over eachother, untill I got something resembling a box so I could put the cart in. :P It worked actually.

    I bet I could edit that in photohop and make it quite good, but I would need to learn how to use photoshop. Really cheered me up finding this strangley, as it just reminded me how much I loved to play games back then as much as I do now, that I went to such lengths to do this. ^_^

    So yeah, thats my attempt at making my own custom box art when I was 13-14 years old. :P What do you think? :\/

    Did anyone else make their own box art when they were kids\now for games that had no boxes? Has anyone made their own custom cases or artwork for games they dont like the official art for? Well this is the thread to post it up then.

    I can't have been the only sad bastard!

    Man, that is rad, rad like skittles (and they're pretty rad). Anyone who scoffs at this is just jealous of their lack of limited edition custom box art. =o

    I have none to share. But you?ve reminded me times past when I used to cut pictures of Sonic and Tails from Mean Machines and stuff, and draw them awesomely.



      Made a box for a portable super famicom i built. It's just a big sticker across the front of a PSOne lcd screen box.



        alternative front and back covers for Quantum Redshift wot i made a couple of years ago.

        i was so (and still am) appalled by the god-awful original artwork i set about making my own. never used it though, as i got rid of the game before i finished them.

        artwork for Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers. a while back i went to buy the original from WHSmiths in one of their sales, but the kid behind the till put 'Ten Hammers' in by mistake. which was nice. so i thought i'd make a new sleeve for it. nowhere near being finished

        artwork for PS2 Rogue Trooper - bought a promo version that only came in a crappy jewel case, so it needs a 'proper' sleeve. again, not finished.

        christ, i'm lazy
        Last edited by bingowings; 01-07-2007, 22:38.


          Those covers are really good. Graphic design is a bit more than just a hobby for you I would suspect?


            I'm sure I already responded to this thread before... hmm.

            Here's some I've done. All of them can be had at .


              Originally posted by CMcK View Post
              Those covers are really good. Graphic design is a bit more than just a hobby for you I would suspect?
              thanks although looking at them now, they do seem a bit ropey - especially the FSW one. maybe one day i'll be arsed enough to finish it.

              yeah, it's kind of what i do for a living - i work for an architectural company doing a lot of their graphics but illustration is my 'thing'.


                Didn't Curly Monsters have alt. artwork for Quantum Redshift up on their site? It's been so long I can't remember.


                  Originally posted by bingowings View Post
                  artwork for PS2 Rogue Trooper - bought a promo version that only came in a crappy jewel case, so it needs a 'proper' sleeve. again, not finished. christ, i'm lazy
                  The Rogue Trooper one's looking good; the colours tie it together well. I'm always a sucker for comic art covers. I assume you were going to put a big hero shot of himself in the middle?


                    Stick the baby GIs in from the attract screen! They're so ickle and kewwt!


                      Originally posted by Wil View Post
                      The Rogue Trooper one's looking good; the colours tie it together well. I'm always a sucker for comic art covers. I assume you were going to put a big hero shot of himself in the middle?
                      ta i sort of make it up as i go along, plus i'm a bit constrained by what images i can get online - they have to be of a decent size because everything i do is at 300dpi - anything less than maybe 1000x1000 pixels is useless as it will have to be enlarged. trying to find a decent sized Cam Kennedy-era Rogue is a nightmare as i don't have any of my comics at hand to scan and redraw as a vector. otherwise, i would be well in there. i think i will continue the comic theme on the back, make it into a wrap-around cover. the strip images i have are large enough to be used again without too much repetition.

                      the PS2/Xbox box artwork i get from the SEGA ftp site where they have print-size versions of some of their sleeves - from there i use eps' of the logos and reconstruct everything to keep it sharp. same with the devco logos.


                        Originally posted by bingowings View Post

                        Nice! I wish you were designing the covers for Pulse and the PS3 iteration of Wipeout.


                          are they bad? i'll have a look. they seem to have moved away from the more hyper-technical info-graphics of the previous games to the more obvious boring future racing nonsense. Fusion was terrible, as was Pure - the JPN version was ok but not great.


                            Yeah, they dumped the Designer's Republic look a while back. I can sort of understand it, as it was becoming a bit hackneyed, but I think it's been long enough that they could bring it back now as now one else really uses that style any more.

