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Gran Turismo 5

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    after the terrible dissapointment that was GT5 Prologue, I really can't see any reason the get excited over this one, I think after GT3 they really lost it and went the wrong way without really improving the most important things in racing games (handling and fun!).
    that said, I'm still very curious how the final game will have turned out, but they really have to do something special to get me away from playing Forza to GT again...


      Well if GT5 delivers with it's full weather sytem; 24 hour night and day cycle; damage; tons of tracks/cars/racing disciplines (le mans, rally, F1, Toca, DTM) etc. Then I think I will get extremely excited. It's a car nuts wet dream, surely that's up your street Force?

      Also the handling has definately improved from GT3 and 4 with the professional mode, it's just the PS3 controller that lets it down for me.


        I've got this niggling feeling that the damage is only going to be for the rally cars. Not sure why though.


          @Malc, all you state is sounding very promising indeed and IF GT5 really has changing weather conditions worked out properly it could be very interesting...
          it's just when I think back at all the rediculous races I had to go through in GT3 (example ; test track 10 laps with an toyota yaris NON TUNED... zzzzzzz....) I just don't want to go through all that crap again..
          That's also something I'm afraid of with Forza3 to be honest... Forza3 is looking very good, but all I've read so far doesn't get me to excited either, I would have loved to see changing weather conditions (properly) in Forza3, now that would be the real next step up.

          With GT5 it's just this like you said already :
          Originally posted by Malc View Post
          it's just the PS3 controller that lets it down for me.
          that's the main concern, the PS3 controller just isn't suited for racing games, absolutely no feeling in the analog triggers...

          oh well, let's just wait and see what both games deliver before I can make any judgements


            I got a G25 and an Wheelstandpro on the way to me. You really do need to get a decent wheel to make the most of these games IMHO. Pad is OK for more arcadey types like Burnout or Ridge Racer - but GT5 and F3 both profess to offer realistic handling.

            [PIMP] I have Logitech MOMO in the classifieds .


              Like Ono said, you just need a decent wheel setup. I'm sure you can get controller adapters to make your 360 one work with the PS3 Force.

              I'm looking forward to both Forza 3 and GT5 equally. I can see myself having a lot more fun online with Forza 3, but the full GT games offer such a single player depth to them and so many car classes, that it's like playing a massive RPG, but with cars. I didn't mind doing the really easy and sometimes boring first few hours of races and the driving lessons, before slowly upgrading to a new car class, or unlocking another track to the already myriad set. It gave the game a real sense of progression, and it's something I think Forza should adopt to some extent as I always felt a lot of repetition in Forza (although that could be to do with the small number of tracks, and 12 variations of Snake Canyon).

              I think there's space for both games on each system, but I do belive that if you give Turn 10 a few more games and years under their belt, they may end up leading as the most complete and best simulation racing game to date. But as long as they're both good, I will always play both.


                Official PSP box Art:


                  Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                  Official PSP box Art:

                  Nice. GT5 can GTF IMO. It's all about GT PSP.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                    Nice. GT5 can GTF IMO. It's all about GT PSP.
                    I'm with you J0e. In fact, you up for online when it comes? Have you pre-ordered - it's cheap as chips at the moment


                      Where's the cheapest place to pre-order?


                        Well, it's £24.99 from (I think I got a little confused between this and LittleBigPlanet which is £17.99 on - but £25 is still pretty cheap!)


                          Originally posted by FullSpecWarrior View Post
                          Where's the cheapest place to pre-order?
                          Amazon at ?17.59 of course


                            Do Amazon take the money now if you pre-order, or do they charge you when they ship the item?
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              Pretty sure they only bill you when it's ready to go.


                                Yeah, they only charge when it's in stock/sending it out.

