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Crackdown Street Races AI is Criminal, Discuss.

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    Crackdown Street Races AI is Criminal, Discuss.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I have just finished the Street Racer acheivement from the add on pack, and found I had to use every ounce of will power not to throw my controller through the screen.

    The AI of the computer controlled racers is a joke, with rubber banding so bad its laughable. I just had to see if anyone else had the same experience.

    Just a quick tip aswell, I found once you got into the lead that clicking the rear view before corners would cause the other competitors to overshoot the corners, as they could not handle their programmed speeds when they are just yellow dots on the map, sounds weird but if you have raced it you'll know what I mean.

    Please use this thread to vent your spleen on this matter.

    I haven't done all of these yet, think I have just a few more to do but I actually did it REALLY DIRTY and cheated lol!

    Essentially you get out of your car on the start line, peg it back to the Agency, get the Agency Supercar - which when you are at Driving level 4 - which you should be - has machine guns on - drive it back to the start line of the race.

    Once there park it up, get out then restart the race, when you restart when done right the Agency supercar should still be there - get out your start car, get into the Supercar and take advantge of its speed and guns to BLOW EVERYONE ELSE AWAY!!!1

    Once that is done, finish your laps and an easy first place is yours


      Friction thats the shizzle. That would of been so satisfying carving up all the feckers who drove me to the edge of my sanity.

      Wish I would of thought of that before I went through all that frustration.

      Cheers for the reply though!


        Am going to lock this one, a2theb. Please can you discuss owt else relating to t'Crackdown here please :


