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Upcoming US Wii releases

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    Upcoming US Wii releases

    My father was in the US last couple of weeks doing freelance work, and in between studying clay samples (yep, interesting!) he was hunting down some of the few Cube games I still need. He also happened to ask about Wii release dates and was handed this by one of the shop employees (probably a Gamestop). Anyhow, figured some people might like to see it...

    Lie with passion and be forever damned...

    Everything's coming out near Crimbo as usual then.

    TBH from looking at the list I get the impression that the Wii will be like the DS in that the odd must-have and/or unusual title will just drown in a sea of licensed mediocrity and derivative, naff minigames.


      I see Five games there that will be on the top of my wanted list which are quiet nicely spread and a further 7 I'm intrested in depending on reviews and price, all coming out october/ november.

      Not a bad line up, and its intresting to see Manhunt 2 slated for August (one of my wanted), but Metroids still up for 20/8 so not 100% up to date. Good to see though.


        Some very promising names there. Very excited NiGHTS is released later this year, but $39.99 for Gemotry Wars Galaxies, what's that all about? It'll need to be considerably different, and indeed expanded, from Evolution to warrant that pricetag.


          Originally posted by Concrete donkey View Post
          Not a bad line up, and its intresting to see Manhunt 2 slated for August (one of my wanted), but Metroids still up for 20/8 so not 100% up to date. Good to see though.
          If you look down the bottom, it shows the print date; I'm guessing after the Manhunt "ban" (probable tentative reasignment) and before MP3 delay.
          Lie with passion and be forever damned...


            The only games i'm looking forward to on the Wii this year are Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Smash Bros.

            Nintendo need third party titles fast, here's hoping something gets announced at E3. Otherwise the Wii will go the way of the Gamecube i.e. a dodo.

            I'm willing to wait, but if these third party games don't come out soon and all i'm left with is to play first party Nintendo games, then i'm going to evaluate my Wii ownership!


              I'm still waiting for Nintendo to give me a reason outside of the big games. New IP which is gamer focused would really be a big incentive to pick up a console now. That and improved third-party support.

              Truth is, if Manhunt 2 hadn't been banned I would have been picking up a Wii yesterday. It's just the same problem as the PS3 with the Wii.

              When the games are there I'll get one. It just depends if it's this year or next year. Hopefully E3 will have some answers.


                Originally posted by Mr Mojo Risin View Post
                The only games i'm looking forward to on the Wii this year are Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Smash Bros.

                Nintendo need third party titles fast, here's hoping something gets announced at E3. Otherwise the Wii will go the way of the Gamecube i.e. a dodo.

                I'm willing to wait, but if these third party games don't come out soon and all i'm left with is to play first party Nintendo games, then i'm going to evaluate my Wii ownership!
                What about Zack and Wiki, Umbrella Chronicles, Nights 2, and No More Heroes?

                There are many more AAA titles coming that just the big Nintendo trio.


                  Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                  What about Zack and Wiki, Umbrella Chronicles, Nights 2, and No More Heroes?

                  There are many more AAA titles coming that just the big Nintendo trio.
                  Those titles are unproven so you can hardly call them AAA because no one knows what they play like, yet! From what i've seen of the above titles i'm not impressed.

                  Umbrella Chronicles is a on-rails shooter, i didn't like Killer7 so No More Heroes does nothing for me as its made by the same development team. As for Zack and Wiki and Nights 2...we'll just need to wait and see.

                  You can't call something that isn't even out yet AAA! I don't know, maybe you have a crystal ball or something.


                    Originally posted by Mr Mojo Risin View Post
                    You can't call something that isn't even out yet AAA! I don't know, maybe you have a crystal ball or something.
                    Although I agree with you on this point, every one was calling Gears of War a AAA title since the first screens were released, and sales wise it turned out to be true.


                      Originally posted by Mr Mojo Risin View Post

                      You can't call something that isn't even out yet AAA! I don't know, maybe you have a crystal ball or something.
                      Then you can't say Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, or Smash are AAA titles either.

                      Most people will call something AAA if they truly expect it to be, based upon developer pedigree, and the general word of mouth from previews, interviews, and AV media.

                      All of the games I mentioned fit into that category I would say.


                        Where's Fire Emblem?


                          Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                          Then you can't say Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, or Smash are AAA titles either.

                          Most people will call something AAA if they truly expect it to be, based upon developer pedigree, and the general word of mouth from previews, interviews, and AV media.

                          All of the games I mentioned fit into that category I would say.
                          I said i was looking forward to Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Smash. Just because its a big franchise doesn't mean to say the game is going to be great, its a catch 22 either of those titles could turn out to be crap.

                          I mean, just look at Mario Sunshine, Waverace (GC version) and Wind Waker they were average games at best, but big titles!

                          Just because your born in a stable, doesn't mean your a horse.
                          Last edited by Mr Mojo Risin; 08-07-2007, 13:03.


                            Originally posted by Mr Mojo Risin View Post
                            I said i was looking forward to Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Smash. Just because its a big franchise doesn't mean to say the game is going to be great, its a catch 22 either of those titles could turn out to be crap.

                            I mean, just look at Mario Sunshine, Waverace (GC version) and Wind Waker they were average games at best, but big titles!

                            Just because your born in a stable, doesn't mean your a horse.
                            Depends what you call average. Sunshine in my opinion is still the second best 3D platformer around, beaten only by the orignal. Windwaker not as good as others in the series, but hardly approaching average. (never played or cared for Waverace.) Just because Gears of War isn't as good as Half Life 2 for example,you wouldn't call it an average shooter.


                              Originally posted by Mr Mojo Risin View Post
                              I said i was looking forward to Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Smash. Just because its a big franchise doesn't mean to say the game is going to be great, its a catch 22 either of those titles could turn out to be crap.

                              I mean, just look at Mario Sunshine, Waverace (GC version) and Wind Waker they were average games at best, but big titles!

                              Just because your born in a stable, doesn't mean your a horse.
                              Wind Waker is one of my favourite games of all time, and Sunshine is shamefully under-rated and for some utterly bizarre reason has become a game people seem to automatically say is crap. It's the second best 3D platform game of all time.... which doesn't exactly make it an average title.
                              Last edited by EvilBoris; 08-07-2007, 14:31.

