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E3 2007 - Game Of The Show Predictions

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    E3 2007 - Game Of The Show Predictions

    Pretty much an extension of the "What are you expecting?" thread; I'm quite intrigued as to what we some of us might think what title will walk away with the "coveted" GOTS accolade. Obviously, we're limited by what we know will be appearing, since I'm sure they'll be quite a few titles not mentioned that make an appearance and leave us wanting more.

    The smart money would be on either Halo 3, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy etc. walking away with it, however, I'm going for something of a very rank-outsider, I'm going to plump for Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction on PS3.

    I've kept an eye on this one and it's looking utterly fantastic and really hope it delivers a solid platforming-adventure, because I don't think we've had anything in that mould since, well... Mario 64, tbh.

    Bioshock, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, LittleBigPlanet and Mass Effect could walk away with the accolade with consumate ease too, but I fancy Ratchet to spring a few surprises.
    Last edited by Bleeders; 10-07-2007, 10:13.

    Wii Sports 2 ???


      I'm hoping a sequel to Shadow of The Collossus will show up on PS3 and blow us all away.


        It will be Rock Band.


          For me, E3 is all about one game.


          Edit: Also, as we all know, it's about kicking ass and taking names!
          Last edited by MarioMark; 10-07-2007, 10:29.


            I'm with Selix on this one. It's been ages since a Mario game made everyone flibble with delight!!!

            Mario Galaxy FTW!!


              Originally posted by Blair View Post
              It will be Rock Band.
              This. Thinly-veiled re-hash though it may be, I will be spending many a night on XBL with this one! Just hope that there's a release date announced during their big Rock Band event.


                I think it will be Rock Band too.

                Mass Effect, Halo, Mario, GTA etc etc...these are all games people really look forward to as they are the 'big games' of the moment, but Rock Band is the first game (in history?) that people have waited thirty odd years for.


                  If it's there....Mirrors Edge!


                    Originally posted by Miguel007 View Post
                    I'm hoping a sequel to Shadow of The Collossus will show up on PS3 and blow us all away.
                    A new Team Ico game could certainly do the job i'm sure.

                    Are we listing what we think our GOTS will be, or what the general consensus will be? For me, providing it appears and is more than a teaser, the above could likely be both. But, it probably won't appear, so I think it'll be Bioshock, Mass Effect, Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy or what have you that'll get people most excited, and with good reason.

                    On the other hand, something fresh would be nice, and seeing as we've seen a lot of the above games (barring FF XIII), there's only so much they can show us. A good showing of FF XIII though could do it to, for me anyway...


                      I'd be shocked if it wasn't Mario Galaxy, but I'd love for something to be shown for the first time and completely blow everyone away, like Half Life 2 did back in the day.


                        If we're talking about the game of show award handed out by the E3 organisers themselves, then one of the rules states that it must be playable by attendees.

                        Which rules out quite a lot of titles.


                          Originally posted by Flabio View Post
                          Which rules out quite a lot of titles.
                          Which of them have been confirmed as not playable so far? I didn't realise they had...


                            I think it will be Killzone 2.*

                            Prepare for a surprise.

                            *It could possibly be ****, but I've decided that the more positive I am about my PS3, the higher the chance I'll find some games to look forward to.
                            Last edited by capcom_suicide; 10-07-2007, 12:15. Reason: I am not a number


                              Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                              I think it will be Killzone 3.
                              That would be a hell of a surprise as people are only getting to play the Killzone 2 demo this E3!

