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Extreme gaming setups

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    Extreme gaming setups

    Shame it's a very dull flight sim (imho)
    12 screens

    I used to do this at Uni when Doom came out. There was a -L and -R option for displaying stuff to the left and right, so we got projectors and sat in the middle. Felt fairly extreme at the time.

    Anyone else done anything completely OTT for their gaming fix?

    I once replicated an Outrun arcade cabinet, by placing my friends C64 & telly by a window for the breeze effect and getting him to pull my chair about when i went round corners to reflect the hydraulics. I think I even had the free soundtrack tape (given away with C&VG) playing in my stereo to replicate the original Musical Sound Shower


    pity about the crap C64 conversion.


      Originally posted by hobo
      I once replicated an Outrun arcade cabinet, by placing my friends C64 & telly by a window for the breeze effect and getting him to pull my chair about when i went round corners to reflect the hydraulics. I think I even had the free soundtrack tape (given away with C&VG) playing in my stereo to replicate the original Musical Sound Shower


      pity about the crap C64 conversion.
      I remeber doin this as a kid as well, the pulling around of the chair bit


        Originally posted by optimusomega
        Originally posted by hobo
        I once replicated an Outrun arcade cabinet, by placing my friends C64 & telly by a window for the breeze effect and getting him to pull my chair about when i went round corners to reflect the hydraulics. I think I even had the free soundtrack tape (given away with C&VG) playing in my stereo to replicate the original Musical Sound Shower


        pity about the crap C64 conversion.
        I remeber doin this as a kid as well, the pulling around of the chair bit
        I'll be doing it with F-Zero.


          It's got to be done


            Originally posted by hobo
            I once replicated an Outrun arcade cabinet, by placing my friends C64 & telly by a window for the breeze effect and getting him to pull my chair about when i went round corners to reflect the hydraulics. I think I even had the free soundtrack tape (given away with C&VG) playing in my stereo to replicate the original Musical Sound Shower


            pity about the crap C64 conversion.
            Wow, I had that tape! Wonder if it's still in a box in my parents' attic somewhere.....


              c64 version of Outrun I had had the soundtrack tape with it!

              US Gold did a few of those, 720 degrees had a soundtrack tape too.


                It's not a set up but when playing champ manager we used to wear sheepskin coats.
                Also when I was away at uni my mate used to send me a progress report on his Sheffield Wednesday side by producing a newspaper with tables, headlines and fake interviews in.
                Pretty sad I know - but thats the power of champ manager for you.


                  I used to shoot myself in the leg everytime I got hit in Goldeneye.


                    Originally posted by Strafe
                    I used to shoot myself in the leg everytime I got hit in Goldeneye.
                    Excuse me? Would you care to elaborate on that


                      heh heh.

                      Everytime I won 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?' on the Dreamcast I actually awarded myself ?1 million in cash.

                      Added that certain something the game otherwise lacked.


                        When I was small, my childhood friends would take turns to violently shake the chair whilst playing the Master System port of Afterburner. I must confess, it was the closest sensation I?ve ever had to actually being in an F-14, and somehow exciting in certain ways...

                        When we were older (and not so wise) we would violently kick the beanbag seat whenever the current player crashed whilst playing Destruction Derby (1). Eventually the player would be kicked so far under the desk that they couldn?t see the TV, thereby meaning they?d fail, and their turn would be up.

                        Oh I fun we had.


                          saw this on slashdot...

                          ... wtfs so good about that? He'd get far more kudos if it were a proper Steel Battalion-style creation!


                            Check out this Everquest one man 6 person group...

                            Theres tons of EQ players do things like that.

