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What do you love about gaming?

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    What do you love about gaming?

    Why do you play games and what do you love gaming?
    I really love the way that there is always something new, you can never run out of something different to play.
    In recent years I've discovered the community that surrounds gaming, I really love talking to people about games and playing games with others.

    I like the detritus that builds up in the grooves of joypads. It's very satisfying to scrape it out with a toothpick and to cultivate some unholy string of dead black skin.


      I love all the cool things I can do in games like shot zombies in the head, drive fast cars and eat giant musrooms.


        Bit of a cliche I know but it's the things you can do in gaming that you can't do in real life that always do it for me.

        You know, kill the alien, win the race, save the world, score the winning goal, rescue the princess. I just never tire of that stuff.


          There's 2 types of gaming enjoyment for me.

          The type where your just having such fan with a damn fine, fun game. Games like Outrun, Sonic, Daytona, SoR, whatever. The games which are defined by simply how fun they are to play, the way they are presented to the player to further than enjoyment factor etc.

          The other type for me is immersion. Playing something like Resi, Gears of War, Oblivion, whatever, and just being sucked into the world, not realising what's going on around me, just absorbing the atmosphere the game has to offer.

          They are such polar types of enjoyment in my opinion.


            Definitely the escapism from real world boringness and jumping into something totally exotic is the main turn on for games. Some games, like HL2 create such an immersive world that you truly escape real life and become Freeman. Nothing can match that in my eyes.

            Next is the talk, i love talking to someone who doesn't agree with my gaming preferences. ie simulation / arcade racers.

            Talking on forums is a bit **** when getting serious, modders and people get far too offended if someone slags something off in their own opinion, even if it comes with detailed reasons. You can't beat listening to real peoples opinions, you're not gonna get deleted in real life for saying Halo 3 looked a bit underwhelming.

            Third? Gotta be the muiltplayer with friends. It's absolute genius, which again cannot be touched in terms of having a laugh. Sure getting pissed up in a bar with mates is alright, but get a game involved and things get better ten fold.

            I absolutely love games, I listen to countless podcasts, watch trailers, play too much, spend too much but I love it more than anything. It's the best experience a human can experience in my eyes, things like live music/comedy/travel is great but games tops everything. It's amazing.


              Originally posted by anephric View Post
              I like the detritus that builds up in the grooves of joypads. It's very satisfying to scrape it out with a toothpick and to cultivate some unholy string of dead black skin.
              I personally prefer the corner from a fresh piece of paper.


                I like the exploration - visiting places I have never been to. From Tomb Raider to Nights to Outrun, games are an exploration.


                  It offers a welcome distraction from real life and more importantly, it's fun!


                    I like beating people.

                    and the music.


                      Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                      I like beating people.
                      But what do you love about gaming?
                      Don't let your psycho tendencies take us off topic


                        Obviously, it's all about having fun. With the best games, it's all about the *rush* I get. The heat of an intense StreetFighter battle; the on the edge of your seat racing in F-Zero; the thrill of tackling the waves in WaveRace; the relentess blasting action in a good shooter.

                        The best games, not only deliver many thrills, but also put a big smile on my face. The imagination in many games is astonishing, and sometimes magical.

                        Another cool thing about games is multiplayer. Playing against mates at football, racing, fighting etc.... Who doesn't like to be victorious over others?


                          Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
                          But what do you love about gaming?
                          Don't let your psycho tendencies take us off topic
                          Vs. games are my favourite kind, and always have been since before the internet. There's nothing like beating someone into the ground, although that can get boring, that's when getting your ass handed to you comes in and all you can do is laugh whilst you run like a coward. It's the close matches that get me fired up. I'll play a multiplayer variant of a game even if I think the s.player is rubbish usually.

                          I have to admit one thing I used to love about gaming has gone, decent sequels are a rarity now, so most games I look forward to turn out to be poor. Therefore I find it difficult to get excited about stuff.


                            I really like blowing stuff up. a lot.

                            Bonus if I can do it online with buddies.


                              Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                              I really like blowing stuff up. a lot.
                              Blowing other people up!! Triple kills, Quad kills, flying bodies.

                              Nothing like nuking each other in RTS either, I turn into a little kid when nukes are flyin'.

                              Seriously. Total Annihilation did that to me. Best classic RTS imo. 5hr matches between me and my mates never got boring. lol. I might check out the new one.

                              I haven't played any RTS in years. one of my favourite genres for sure.

