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Why Are Games So Fun To Watch?

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    Why Are Games So Fun To Watch?

    I was just playing Co-op with my partner. We played for say 4 hours together, and it was great. But I noticed that my sister was staring at what we were doing. She watched the whole thing. Then my dad walked in and watched for about 10-20 minutes! He never takes any interest in games! It was really interesting.

    Then I remembered, I used to always watch games. I used to love watching Sonic. I didn't buy a console until I was 13 (skanky parents ) but up until then I'd always watch others intently.

    So why are games so fun to watch?

    What were you playing? If it was DDR your sister MIGHT be a perv. Ditto Dad.


      I feel inclined not to say which game I was playing as it woudl spark a conversation about the game and how it is: GREAT/CRAP/Amazing/mediocre/every other disagreement you can possibly have over a game.

      Let's just say it was Timesplitters 2. I'm just quite taken by the fact that games are meant to be experienced first person, by the person inputting the actions... but it can be just as exciting for people watching.

      We all see Ikaruga videos, now and again, and Saurians Arcade vids sound interesting! I love watching Goldeneye when good players are on.

      Why is this medium so damn enveloping?


        Maybe because it is an entertainment medium like any other and if we love it, we can be entertained by it even if we're not doing it.


          Really depends on the genre, parts of RPG's for example may well be just like watching a film, I personally like watching game footage for two reasons, 1.A game I haven't played to get an impression of it, 2.To see experts play a game I already play and pick up tips (VF a Prime example ).


            I had some great gaming playing SOnic 1 as a kid with my older brother watching the whole thing and laughing uncontrollably as I ****ed up in the labryinth levels again and again losing all rings and then getting spiked whilst dragged along with the sea. Funny stuff.

            I enjoy watching people play too! Its like a little story thats different every time.


              I've always liked watching game action, whether it be to decide if I want to buy the game or simply to enjoy the good/bad skills of the unseen player.

              I'm always interested in checking out how a game I have no intention of playing, but have heard a lot about, actually looks when running. For me it is an enjoyable experience to just soak in the game world and compare it to those games I play and like.

              I also like bagging some of the demo players (especially in racing games) who seem to have no idea. I may not be a gaming genius, but I certainly make some of these chumps look like complete newbies! Always brings a smile to my dial to see some of the drunken driving being used to sell the racing game in question. Can't they find better players?


                I can't stand watching people play games. It just makes me want to play - same with the e.guitar.

                It's def. more satisfying for people who don't play, as you've pointed out.


                  I like watching others play, dunno why its just entertaining cos uve no diea what theyre gonna do next, kill themslves, just survive by the tiniest of margins, slide the car into the gravel trap, execute a perfect slide, its great to watch and i think the unpredictability is a part of it, no idea whats coming next as their in control and not you!!!


                    Originally posted by DavidFallows
                    I can't stand watching people play games. It just makes me want to play - same with the e.guitar.

                    It's def. more satisfying for people who don't play, as you've pointed out.
                    Same here. I find watching games to be boring and tedious. Unless I'm in control, it's not worth it.


                      Ever noticed in an arcade that you'll be playing along and then without warning there is a group of little kids standing around watching in amazement.

                      I know I did when I was a wee nipper.

                      My father has never shown any interest in games (in fact will blatantly refuse to acknowledge them in an attempt to wind me up even more) but when I put on Pro Evo Soccer on PS2 for the first time he sat there shouting at the TV like a mad man! It took him almost 5 minutes to realise that I was playing on the PS2 and it wasn't a real match on TV - honestly!


                        Last night when driving home our lass wanted me to get a game that wold enjoy watching me play. She loved all the Biohazard games. Ocarina of Time (she dosn't like wacthing Wind Waker though). but her favourite games to watch were Headhunter on the Dc and Jet Force Gemini. She used to beg me play them and got in a right mood if I played them when she wasn't there.
                        I enjoy wacthing people play certain types of games. Not driving to sports games though - RPG's and action adventures are fun to watch. Games that have agood storyline and get you envolved.


                          Originally posted by Reef
                          It took him almost 5 minutes to realise that I was playing on the PS2 and it wasn't a real match on TV - honestly!

