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Thoughts of a Wii Owner, Gender of Love!

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    Thoughts of a Wii Owner, Gender of Love!

    I?ve had my Wii since Christmas, It was quiet a touching gift! My fianc?e went through sweat, blood and tears to get it at the time when it was hard to get one.

    Yet she pulled it off and to my surprised Xmas Day 2006/07 (Sounds like forever ago saying that!) I opened a big box that had a Wii, Zelda and an extra wii mote/nunchuck.
    I was so ecstatic playing Wii Sports and Zelda over the xmas period!

    After that, my time on the wii and to be honest my love on the wii Died down, I tried writing opinions and debates on these forums but some how I came across as a Moan old Trollope who keeps slagging the wii down. Heck even my posts were getting locked!
    There was just no games coming out for months to entertain me, Zelda was completed and all these rehashes keep coming out, heck most reviews on the wii have been below 6 out of 10 score bored?. Ugly!.

    But then a few heads started to turn, a few games started to come out that makes the wii shine like it suppose to. We got Mario Strikers with online play! Heck I loving that game, we need more 4 player games (Where are they nintendo!! I have friends round who want to play!!).

    But most recently?. Resident Evil 4 came out! And that?s what has made me think ?Man, the wii dam owns!?
    I played it on the cube when it first came out, but only got half way and loved it but for some reason the Wii rehash has made me want to kiss my Wii to bits.

    I got the game knowing not much has changed apart from control schemes and content wise ala PS2 version.

    But regardless of that I think I had one of the best gaming experiences in my life, since I got it I must have spent 5 to 8 hours a night on it! My Fianc? moaning that she can not wait for me to complete it so I won?t be on it so much (I tell her she was the one who got me the Wii lol).
    Last night I finally completed it, I loved the story! The puzzle and mix of game play.
    One moment it?s a Shooter and next urn wiggling the wii-mote or doing puzzles its just a great mixture along with a great cinematic story line.

    Even the graphics for a 4-5 year old game, it still looks immense! I actually realized you don?t need HD or next gen gaming to be graphics as these graphics was way good enough for me and to be drawn in the story.

    I know most people think ?Well, this was on cube and PS2 it is nothing special?, well the main attraction that I loved? was the actual controls.

    They are so free flow and tight with the wii-mote aiming that u spend more time with your head in the game rather than on the controls.
    It really shows the true potential of the wii for maximum fun!

    What does me in a bit though, is the fact that though wii, PS2, Cube have RESI4 why the heck do we not get RESI 5? Only for PS3 and 360?!?! Ok, yes it looks to rock but don?t us Nintendo owners get to continue the story with a action game and not a shooter zapper?!?!

    I want to know what happens to the sample and just continue where RESI 4 left off! Now with the power of the Wii being something like Double Cube and more so than Xbox 1 just think of the tight controls, extra graphics and process a RESI evil game can be like on the wii?!?!?
    The cube version still looks good for todays standards and that was 5 years ago.
    My point is just think of what yet is to come for wii With good graphics + tight controls I think its going to be immense.
    But instead we get some zapper to shoot with like Duck Hunt, I?m not putting it down as I don?t know much of it but Shooters with a Gun never work for me.

    What also makes me excited is future Games! Can we get ID to make some specific Quake or FPS for Online play.
    Just think how awesome it be, no more slow mo pad control but tight fast paced controls like Mice/Keyboard.
    It could be competative yet fun game like you get on PC with leagues etc your see the tiny cute wii at LAN events for comps rather than 360?s! That would be funny!!!

    I think the Wii has so much going for it, I can?t wait for the games to utilize it to the max.
    Like metroid, they say the controls are as good as Mice/Keybored, if that?s true just think if it had online play! No 30 seconds just to turn round with joystick to find someone but a quick flick of the mote.
    Shame, no online play for it .

    I got more love for my Wii Wii now than ever and it grows! I can?t wait for Smash Bros Brawl!
    Heck I wish we got that Brother in arms game coming on 360 to wii, Graphics wont be great as 360 but better more fun controls.
    The gameplay looks real awesome, but instead I think were getting a rehash of the old Brother in arms.

    Oh 1 grip, as my posts wont be a post without a Grip! Classic Controller seems impossible on Mortal Kombat or is it just me? Just seems the joystick is too senseative and the d-pad too rotten. I hope its better on Smash Brawls. Anyone else have trouble with CC? I have a cube pad but setup looks better with 4 CCs!

    Cya! Waz

    I was ready to sell mine recently then bought Kororinpa (US version a score at P-A), and now have not touched anything else.

    I do kind of think though that Nintendo should just make the next installments of thier own franchise's, with double GC power or whatever, and only add Wii style controls if needed. Could be a danger to add 'silly' controls to great games, for the sake of it.

