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Tekken 5 Online

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    yellow connections on the 3 games i could find - awesome...


      Had some really smooth games with people on here when this was first released.

      Got an online thread set up for it here: Tekken 5 Online Meet-up - PS3

      Add your names if you're interested in playing. Not sure how many people still play it regularly as it first came out in August!


        Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
        yellow connections on the 3 games i could find - awesome...
        You'll have to forgive my lack of understanding on all things online gaming, but was that a sarcastic "awesome"?

        I'm really struggling to get decent lag-free games on this.

        Last time I played a fighter online was 2003 with Capcom Vs. SNK 2 on XBL and that was a lot better than this (although back then I had no router and simply plugged my modem direct into the Xbox).

        At best I tend to get 2 bars filled in the bottom corner during a match which I presume isn't good.


          For me it was unplayable almost the whole time and out of about 20-30 attempts to get a match I managed to get into one about 3 times. The lag was so bad it just took all the depth and balance out of the game, ruining it for me.

          From my experience so far anything less than green bars isn't playable.


            Well this has got a lot better for me. Updated my router firmware and tweaked a few router settings last night and whilst it's still not perfect, the ratio of playable:unplayable matches is now much more favourable.

            I think Namco allowing people to setup rooms with up to 8 people was a case of them learning to walk before they could crawl. I created a few rooms this morning and limited the number of particpants to 3 and they seemed much better. Had a great set of close, hard-fought matches.

            My Asuka is now 2nd kyu and developed a mean set of juggles and understanding of the properties of her attack. She has an evil low punch attack that goes under all high attacks and if hits as a counter, links automatically into a leg break grab. Really handy (espeically against Hwoarang/Law left kick spammers at the start of rounds).

            Win:Loss % now sits at 50%. Had no droppers yet but have had a couple of occasions where I've been kicked from rooms after putting together a win streak

            PSN tag is RareHero if anyone is up for some matches.


              Originally posted by C' View Post
              You'll have to forgive my lack of understanding on all things online gaming, but was that a sarcastic "awesome"?
              Absolutely - I'm assuming the delay getting it over here was waiting for them to setup the dedicated servers and I'd hoped dedicated servers would mean pretty much lag-free fighting.

              Coming off of VF5 it's disappointing - still a good game mind.


                I'll be on VF5 as soon as my 360 is back so I will be interested to see the difference.

                Still, with the games I had this morning being a lot better I'm planning on sticking with this for a bit too. It's Tekken... Online... doesn't get much better than that for me.


                  I don't like to be negative, but this is pretty poor when compared to VF5.

                  Hardly anyone playing, and when you do finally get a game it is laggy. Even playing against people in Europe.

                  A shame, as I like Tekken.


                    It's like they did what I was worried they would and stuck a netcode wrapper round it hence it's not very well done.

                    But the download was over 600mb so I'm assuming some substantial rewriting did take place ??


                      I ended up having a few games last night, and wasn't impressed.

                      I've played 50 odd matches of VF5, all against different opponents and not had lag as bad as any of the Tekken matches I played last night.

                      After the pain of downloading the system update, installing the system update, downloading Tekken (and £15 wasn't cheap), and then installing Tekken, I wanted it to be special. In around 30 minutes play I can't have played more than 5 games. Over half the time I would join a room and the game would just freeze for a while and then kick me out. I'm not on a wireless connection, have open NAT and a pretty decent net connection.

                      When I did get a game, it was stuttery and not really like playing Tekken.

                      Let's arrange a game sometime Yoshi though. We could play DR for a bit and then try VF5. Would be a fair test.


                        It's funny nobody who bought the JP/HK/US versions mentioned that it was laggy like this - I'd have appreciated knowing that beforehand as I probably wouldn't have bothered.


                          I think it is just because VF5 has spoiled us.


                            Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                            It's funny nobody who bought the JP/HK/US versions mentioned that it was laggy like this - I'd have appreciated knowing that beforehand as I probably wouldn't have bothered.
                            To be honest there wasn't any lag three months ago when the game was originally released, we had some really good games on here! Lag free all the way.


                              The magical lag fairy has clearly visited in the mean time.


                                Couldn't even get into a game last night - there were 3 sessions we could see but all of them just came up "network error" and if we setup a lobby nobody joined.


                                Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                                To be honest there wasn't any lag three months ago when the game was originally released, we had some really good games on here! Lag free all the way.
                                That's even worse - you're saying you all played in the UK connected to HK/JP servers and had no lag but I'm playing now on (presumably) Euro servers and it's lagged out ? WTF ? Does Europe get 3rd rate cheap ass servers or something ?
                                Last edited by Yoshimax; 22-11-2007, 17:30.

