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BANG! Guns and FPS discussion...

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    Originally posted by 007
    [Story about the Level 'Keys' in Halo]...
    What game!

    What do you think to my story?

    Well if we're sharing stories ...

    2 Day's ago I'm playing Co-Op with my girlfriend. We're on Keys, we're leaving like you were. I see the red indicator, it's about 5 floors below me. I know if I just jump over the edge i'll die. But I also know that there is absolutley NO WAY i can get down 5 levels with the health I've got.

    I suddenly see a covenant drop-ship comming in. In a mad rush of adrenaline I run as fast as I can. I just run for the ship, Right on the edge of the level, I jump - just as the ship is pulling up to land.

    I jumped so far and accurately, I went through the front of the ship and into the area where the covenant are carried. I crouched there for a second, check out my partners screen and she is butting a hunter around the back with her gun!

    The door opens in the drop ship. I run out, jump and land about 50 meters from the Banshee I'm about to get into to fly out of there. I see an elite go for the ship. I just shoot at him wildly as I know if he gets in it - I'm a gonner. I've got about 12 roundsin my assault rifle so i let off two bursts, he runs towards me, I whipped around him so I was facing away from the banshee and smack him in the back of the head. He goes down. By this point though my shield is beeping and my ammo is depelted.

    I look up and there is another elite running at me, there is nothing I can do. I just run backwards towards the banshee and start screaming like a girl: "Ahhh ****, help!" BANG! A shot from no where hits him in the back of the head, his shield goes. I look up and see the trail leading back up to the fifth level. My girlfriend managed to snipe him from up there. I run up to him while he is confused and chuck a plasma grenade on his head. and leg it!

    I jump in the banshee and the elite with the grenade on his head stands so close to the vehicle I was to cry. I'm shouting: "FLY, FLY MOTHER ****ER!" The grenade goes off, and the banshee is dropped to about 3 health. I manage to get off the ground surrounded by green shots from Plasma Pistols... I know that if I get hit by a charged shot I'm going to hit the floor and die!

    I'm spinning trying to avoid getting shot. I can see the exit I'm hoping, praying that i'll make it, all of a suddena green shot flys over my head. It is the cannon from another banshee. I **** my pants. I just keep going, trying to spin to avoid getting hit, a cut scene kicks in and I see another green blob flying past in the cut scene...

    It was so close! So fun!


      What a story!

      Your girlfriend sounds pretty good, i'm hoping to convert mine into a Halo fan. She likes Mario, so that's a start!

      When I was playing on Legendary on either that level or turth and Reconciliation. You are on the fifth floor like you said and there are two banshees on the floor.

      If you time it right, and jump. You can land ontop of the banshee. That's what I did. As I land I press the button to enter and I fly away.

      If you watch the cutscene it's dead mayhem, as you see about literally, 8 elites, all standing by that big window shooting at you.

      Then you just laugh at them.


      Good story nips! I think i'm off for another bash, maybe come back with a good tale or too.


        One of my favourite weapons in Halo was the Melee attack. We?ve all seen great shotguns and sniper riffles before, but this melee attack is just great, satisfyingly meaty - it actually did some good. Huge improvement over previous handheld attacks and ?chops? (Doom Chainsaw excluded). Took it thoroughly to the next level, Hope Halo 2?s combo attack also does the job.

        The Farsight in PD indeed was very cool, very unfair though. You could zoom in all the way with it, then press either of the strafe buttons (with default controls, I think) and it would automatically home-in on the nearest victim!. Not that I ever told any of my mates about that!.

        Oh, and the Flak Cannon in Unreal is just dirrrty


          Weapons eh? Well, it has to be Halo doesn't it.

          I've got a number of favourite combinations of weapons for Halo, depending on the situation.

          On the long bridges in Assault on the Control room, I had a hell of a lot of trouble coping with the elites (on legendary, natch). Eventually I found an unbeatable combo for those situations; both the human and covenant pistols. What I did is charge the plasma pistol up, and unleash the burning green glob in the general direction of an elite. I very quickly switch to the other pistol, and zoom in, and just as the plasma shot hits the elite, I fire a couple of rounds into his head. Takes them down every time.

          For the outdoor levels without the flood, my favourite combo is the pistol (yes, in case you haven't guessed, I bloody love the pistol) and the plasma rifle. With the pistol I can quickly take out a grunt with one or two shots at the head, obviously depending on how good a shot I get. The plasma rifle is, of course, used to deplete the elite's energy shields. If there aren't any other elites around, my favourite thing to do is deplete their shield, and then just as they're snarling at you, whack them on the nose like a naughty puppy a few times. Great fun. If I'm going up against hunters, I tend to choose the assault rifle over the plasma one, due to it's huge ammo capacity and inability to overheat. Since they run at you if you get close, their shield bobs up and down and you can easily fire into their belly (the only really poor AI in the game).

          When dealing with the flood, it has to be the assault rifle and shotgun. The thing about the shotgun is, it's just so damned satisfying, it even goes as far as to eclipse Doom's in my oppinion. When the larger flood are spaced out, I just love to let them jump right at me, then quickly squeeze the trigger, blowing them out of the air. Then I hit reload, and I imagine just as the Chief is pressing that cartridge into the slot, he would be saying "Eat that motherf**ker. (but only of course, if he was crude, which he most certainly isn't)" Naturally the rifle is used to deal with the smaller ones (or if I'm low on ammo, I just let them hit me), and for popping heads (I absolutely love the dismemberment with the flood, blowing their arms off so that they drop their guns, and then bursting their heads (floodified elites) to kill them).

          In fact, all of Halo's weapons are a hell of a lot of fun to use. With the rocket launcher, if I miss an elite and it only takes his shield away, I always run up to him and melee attack. The Chief wields the launcher like a club, and it feels so good.

          Oh god, I've got so many Halo stories I think I'd break the forum software if I posted them all at once, so here's just the one:

          Almost at the end of Keys (or is it Keyes?), where you enter the hanger bay for the last time. Basically, I'm stood on the highest level, and you need to make it to the banshees on the bottom floor, at the furthest point away from you, and there's a large column in the middle (about two stories high) with an elite perched on top. Now I can't possibly make it all the way down 3 levels with the health and ammo I have left, and if I simply jump off of the top, I'll deplete my shield in the fall, and be paralysed for a second, and that elite on the column would quickly kill me off. So...

          I take up my shotgun and single plasma grenade. I leap from the third floor onto the side of the covenant dropship waiting just below. I jump over the middle section, and continue running onto the 'column' mentioned earlier. There the elite waits. I unleash shotgun pellet hell directly into his face, then whack him twice with the end of it. Now I'm stuck on the column, and I can see a small group of enemies coming from one of the second story doors towards me. There's no way I can kill them all with the ammo and health I have left, yet below me are a pair of elites and a few jackals, and I can't just leap down in front of them and run for it. At this point I've got about 20 ammo left in my plasma rifle and 11 shotgun shells, and my single plasma grenade. With no other choice, I drop the grenade onto the floor between the enemies waiting below, and as they scatter, they clear a path for me. I jump down, the grenade's explosion depleteing my shield (a quarter second of being shot at would have killed me), and run for the banshee, getting onboard and flying the hell out of there.

          This whole piece of action took place over less than 15 seconds, it was brilliant! My heart was pumping as I sat back and watched the level end. It's a testament to Halo's utter brilliance, and just another reason why it's my favourite game of all time.


            Has no one mentioned Halo's needler weapon? For shame.

            If theres a sure fire way of taking out an elite and surrounding grunts, it's a needler. I never leave base without it! BOOM...nasty melee attack with it as well. Face full of glass stuff. Nasty.

            I thought HL's crowbar wepaon was hilarious. How fast did it go! Gordon must've entrered a seizure to pull it off.


              The needler is the best weapon for elites, I agree.

              Just put about 10-15 needles in them and they'll go down!

              Good stuff!


                reminds me of the needle gun in a certain other game....just think---the pain

                ---*DIIIIIIIE SUCKERS*----


                  for the people saying they like the weapons to feel meaty and satisfying to fire into some bad guy, imo most of the weapons in SOF were all very satisfying especially when u could see in detial what it did to each poor bastartd you shot it at . especially the hand gun (i for get the name) it was imensly powerfull, that blew limbs off when fired acuratly. for some reason not as many of the guns on SOF2 had the same feel.

                  Here i could chat on about the weapons in halo but most of the worthy coments have been covered in this topic.

                  Very good topic btw, and thing to do with FPS is going to get a post from me


                    For shame! All of you.
                    Nobody's mentioned the Shotgun, and Super/Double Shotgun from Doom. I know it's pretty old, but that original meaty thump just can't be beaten.


                      Originally posted by Magnakai
                      For shame! All of you.
                      Nobody's mentioned the Shotgun, and Super/Double Shotgun from Doom. I know it's pretty old, but that original meaty thump just can't be beaten.
                      It can, by Halo's (I said that earlier). Ok ok, if not beat, then it's definitely just as good.

                      Ah yes, the needler. Yes, it is indeed the best weapon to take out an elite, but only in an open area. Indoors, especially on legendary, and even more especially on the covenant ship levels, there's usually something to get in the way. Also, I think you can only carry something like 5 clips for it, and with the amount of ammo you get through, it makes it a little annoying to use.


                        Originally posted by overlord uk
                        Ah yes, the needler. Yes, it is indeed the best weapon to take out an elite, but only in an open area. Indoors, especially on legendary, and even more especially on the covenant ship levels, there's usually something to get in the way. Also, I think you can only carry something like 5 clips for it, and with the amount of ammo you get through, it makes it a little annoying to use.
                        I think that the needler comes into its own indoors. You just pop around the corner and unload totally. If they are not expecting it then you are laughing all the way to the morgue!

                        Otherwise you need to be a little more aggressive. I find:

                        Run up to them close, shooting all the time so that they don't have time to react. As soon as they go to attack you run backwards and they'll explode long before they hit you. - WARNING, make sure that you have a clear path behind you. You don't want to get stuck and let him explode next to you!

                        But, you are right, you only have a very small amount of ammo, and you need to use quite a bit for it to be really effective. This means that I only use it indoors where there are lots of dead bodies and lots of guns and ammo.

                        I tend to have the needler and the pistol indoors. The pistol for head shots on grunts and then the needler for elites and then maybe the odd zoomed shot on the weakened elite!


                        I've got to say:

                        The Super Shozzy in Q2 is the dogs. Great gun! Love it!


                          Originally posted by nips
                          I've got to say:

                          The Super Shozzy in Q2 is the dogs. Great gun! Love it!
                          Agreed. There's something about shotguns in games. They're just so delightfully violent. That thump should make your stomach hurt almost as much as your victims. BOOMTASTIC.

