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Defending the Indefensible? EA and Madden PS3

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    As already alluded to though, eventual huge PS2 sales saw it become the primary development platform even when a more powerful and easier to code (Xbox) alternative appeared.

    This time with wii capturing the zeitgeist and 360 more than catering for the hardcore or those with a penchant for online gaming they're in a sticky situation - Sony have never been last to market and for me that is a key factor here which was caused by their over-ambitious and brute approach to the hardware design coupled with the desire to include BR.

    edit : Yep on the back of JB's comments Madden hits #1 in the States every year does it not ? I'd imagine it's the biggest killer app over there so this is pretty damning news.
    Last edited by Yoshimax; 15-08-2007, 13:34. Reason: Extra piece.


      Originally posted by John Beaulieu View Post
      the main difference in this case is that Madden is one of the most important franchises in gaming today, Madden sells to people who won't purchase another game this year and the fact that a mainstream media outlet such as US Today is highlighting the fact that PS3 Madden is a dog in comparison to the 360 version is a major kick in the balls to Sony at this stage.
      I think those are wise words.

      Madden is massive in the states.

      I dunno, it's easy to say that the PS3 is having normal teething problems, but it just seems to be getting worse and worse to me.

      A nagging question keeps coming to my min, "Is there something actually wrong with the hardware design?"

      I paid a lot of money for a GFX card called the 7800GT, and it was a real disapointment as it couldn't do all the graphical tricks "At the same time" and I didn't research that problem before paying 350 quid for it. I think the PS3 has some parts of that card in it's GFX system, (I may be wrong here) and I've seen someone here saying the Ps3 can't do AA without losing FPS or something.

      Anyway, I don't know the hardware stuff, but just as a consumer I feel that the games coming out now, should be better than they are.

      Naive, I know.

      Anyway, I certainly wouldn't recommend friends to buy the PS3 at the moment.


        Despite having "demo'd" Camster99 into buying one I would feel terrible recommending anybody buy one over a 360 - there's just no justification for it.

        I've actually warmed to mine since I bought it - it's a lovely piece of kit and the pads are not nearly as bad as I thought they'd be (they're far from 360 though - L2/R2 wtf ?)

        And the games should absolutely be better - but I don't think devs are playing to the units strengths yet - once that happens and something's designed with it's nuances in mind we're in for a treat.

        But, as I said in another thread, multiplatform is 360 all the way for me and will remain so - The PSN appeals to me more than anything on the retail horizon for PS3 at the moment but it will have its day - I just hope its in 2008 and not any later cos once MS drop the XB720 megabomb they're in really deep ****.


          Surely the issue is simple, and I think what Yoshi was alluding to : in that in the last generation Devs excused, and worked there asses off to develop for ,the difficult to develop for PS2, purely because they knew they were guaranteed massive sales at the end of it. Within this generation though with the PS3 being late to market, and having a small installed base they are not bothering to work as hard on the titles as they know the work will not be rewarded with the same level of sales.

          The big question is though, will this effect prevent Sony from getting the installed base they require, with poor versions of massive titles like this putting the general consumer off. Or will the general consumer still lap up the Playstation brand giving Sony that installed base, which will inspire all Devs to start putting that extra effort in again.

          Edit : God (Carmack) commented on this a while ago interesting bit around the 1:10 part which basically alludes to the requirement for market position in convincing devs to get the most out of the more difficult platform !
          Last edited by Simmy; 15-08-2007, 14:05.


            I dont think early unfamiliarity is to fault with a lot of the poor versions of PS3 games, i think it is really down to the RSX having the same poor architecture as the 7000 Geforce PC cards. For example GRAW2 and Fight Night 3 off the top of my head, the 360 versions both feature anti aliasing and HDR lighting yet the PS3 versions dont have HDR at all and seem much jaggie then the 360 versions.

            Now ive mentioned that before and i dont think it has anything to do with them being developed within the first year, but im sure its down to the RSX having the exact same problem as the PC graphics cards.

            Tbh i think its a worrying trend for the PS3 and with more and more games using HDR and heavy anti aliasing it starts to look worse and worse for the PS3 versions of games.


              well i think its more of a disapointement in that when the x360 was released and the ps3 was getting hyped

              Most people were expecting the Ps3 games to be far far better looking the the x360 stuff......and while some games are still good looking its not what people were expecting

              multiformat stuff is ok but it will always be exclusives that make me buy a console i am sure in time i will buy a ps3 ......just not yet

