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Nintendo says NO! to Hard games!

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    Nintendo says NO! to Hard games!

    Yay, I'm a real wuss with video games. I loved games like Starfox Adventures purely because I found them engrossing to play, but they weren't ridiculously hard. I know a lot of people on here love the tough difficulties many games offer. But personally I tend to find them a real turn off a lot of the time.

    There are exceptions of course, I love Ikaruga and the likes, but generally I think Miyamoto has hit the nail on the head for me with this.
    Last edited by MikeRox; 15-08-2007, 12:06.

    I'm also a wuss, I've never liked hard games, that's why I've never played Ninja Gaiden. I do like to play a game and just enjoy the ride, not have to be there for hours on this one bit.


      Originally posted by MikeRox View Post
      Pooh, title is meant to be "says" not "so" >_< can a mod alter it for me please?
      Do it yourself - Edit then "Go Advanced" - easy


        ah nice one. Wondered why the option had vanished... see this is why I need EASY games


          OMG I can't read that website but it doesn't sound good.

          Twilight Princess - So good yet so shockingly easy. I actually felt ripped off on some parts. Please make Prime3 have a hard mode (with cool rewards to boot!).


            Lost Planet hard, mate?


              Shigeru Miyamoto? Arsehole, more like.

              But let's face it: the whole world is devolving to cater for the stupid and the slow ... car-crash reality TV, dumbed-down news and movies, pointlessly easy games and school exams ... whatever next?


                'Hard' is a bit of a general term - one mans junk & all that.

                Well-implemented, selectable, rewarding difficulty levels are all games need. Then everyone's covered.


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows View Post
                  OMG I can't read that website but it doesn't sound good.

                  Twilight Princess - So good yet so shockingly easy. I actually felt ripped off on some parts. Please make Prime3 have a hard mode (with cool rewards to boot!).
                  I'd put money on Corruption including an unlockable Hard Mode like Prime and Echoes before it.


                    Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                    I'd put money on Corruption including an unlockable Hard Mode like Prime and Echoes before it.
                    Aye, I'm sure, but will it actually be hard?

                    Lost Planet was only hard on extreme Bleedas. ;p And even then it only took what, a week?

                    Originally posted by Geoff D View Post
                    Well-implemented, selectable, rewarding difficulty levels are all games need. Then everyone's covered.
                    Yus! Like everything Nintendo have ever done really (up until late)

                    A change in form isn't needed here.

                    Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                    Shigeru Miyamoto? Arsehole, more like.

                    But let's face it: the whole world is devolving to cater for the stupid and the slow ... car-crash reality TV, dumbed-down news and movies, pointlessly easy games and school exams ... whatever next?
                    Agree, apart from the Shigs arsehole bit.


                      And to think that, when I suggested Nintendo were taking this stance, I was accused of being 'melodramatic'

                      Obviously they're just following the money like any company would. I don't think Nintendo games have ever been particularly hard to play but there's always been enough headroom in their better games for hardcore players to find a challenge. I think the structure of Super Mario World is a good example of how to make a playable game with plenty of depth for those willing to go digging.

                      Hopefully they'll continue in this vein otherwise it's a slap in the face for the 'core' players who've stuck by them through their recent difficult years (decade?).


                        Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                        Shigeru Miyamoto? Arsehole, more like.

                        But let's face it: the whole world is devolving to cater for the stupid and the slow ... car-crash reality TV, dumbed-down news and movies, pointlessly easy games and school exams ... whatever next?
                        Totally agree mate. Why is it everyone needs to be a winner these days? Isn't there more to be learned by struggling to get what you want?

                        Personally, I love the challenge of a hard game. The final boss on Metroid Prime took me a week to beat but I loved every minute of it and the feeling when you do complete a hard game is amazing. I don't think difficulty should be there to put people off, but players who want a challenge should be catered for too. Resi 4 is the best example of a very accesibile yet just tough enough game.

                        It's a fine line between the two. I really enjoyed Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, but it was very tough in places and occasionally just annoying. Super Paper Mario was much easier but more enjoyable for it. However, there were loads of extra bits that were hard to see but there for the hardcore.
                        Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                          Whereas Super Princess Peach was stupidly easy. I even avoided buying most of the powerups in the shop because there was no challenge. It was fun on the first run through, but there's no way I'd want to play it again. I'm not even very good at 2D platformers.


                            wasent it during the gamecube they mentioned about doing shorter games ? think it was in response for luigis mansions being short


                              Originally posted by MattyD View Post
                              Hopefully they'll continue in this vein otherwise it's a slap in the face for the 'core' players who've stuck by them through their recent difficult years (decade?).
                              According to Miyamoto, Galaxy's difficult is two-tiered. Some of the stars are so easy that nearly everyone can get them with little practice. Others will be ball-bustingly hard to get, surpassing Sunshine's harder levels in difficulty. Team had arguments about this right from the start of the development. Some developers wanted to make it harder than Sunshine, some easier than Mario 64. Big M himself believes current model will be for the best.

                              Originally posted by figflair View Post
                              It's a fine line between the two. I really enjoyed Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, but it was very tough in places and occasionally just annoying.
                              Tough? Annoying yes, but tough?
                              Last edited by elkatas; 15-08-2007, 14:26.

