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UK Gaming Magazine ABC Sales Figures for Jan-Jun 07

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    UK Gaming Magazine ABC Sales Figures for Jan-Jun 07

    Audited Bureau of Circulation figures for the six months ending June 30th:

    Edge: 30,021 (down 10.6%) (UK: 23,692 INT: 6,329)
    Games Master: 47,719 (down 10.6%) (UK: 45,276 INT: 2,443)
    Microsoft Windows XP The Official Magazine: 36,437
    Microsoft Vista: 38,524 (N/A)
    Official Nintendo Magazine: 47,925 (up 34.7%) (UK: 47,695 INT: 230)
    Official PlayStation 2: 44,182 (down 55.9%) (UK: 41,014 INT: 3,168)
    Official Xbox 360 Magazine: 65,673 (up 53.9%) (UK: 62,446 INT: 3,227)
    PC Gamer: 41,599 (down 8.2%) (UK: 39,402 INT: 2,197)
    PC Zone: 24,385 (down 18.8%) (UK: 23,500 INT: 885)
    PC Format: 28,314 (down 7.1%)
    PlayStation World: 17,132 (down 50.3%) (UK: 16,050 INT: 1,082)
    PSM3: 24,121 (down 33%) (UK: 22,382 INT: 1,739)
    Xbox World 360: 30,296 (up 30.7%) (UK:26,769 INT:3,527)

    360: 12,017 (down 8.3%) (UK: 11,152 INT: 865)
    X360: 30,179 (up 38%) (UK: 26,517 INT: 3,662)

    360 Gamer: 12,586 (up 37.8%) (UK: 11,827 INT: 759)

    It really starts to look like the age of gaming magazines is ending. I mean, it is hard to imagine that nearly any of these magazines is profitable and/or worth invested money (for the publisher, that is).

    Thanks go to JonathanEX @ Neogaf

    All magazine/newspaper circulations are feeling the real power of the interweb this year - more than ever before. It's hit ad revenues, circulations really hard and is something that will inevitably continue.

    Mind, Future's 360 & Nintendo mags are doing well.

    Wonder what happened to the figures for Official PS3 mag ....


      Holy moly, 10% down for Edge is pretty serious stuff.

      I see the single format mags are doing quite well however whereas multiplatform ones tend to be in decline. I put this down to covermounts and demo discs more than anything, especially for the Official Nintendo Magazine (some of the freebies cost more than the magazine at retail ).

      Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
      Wonder what happened to the figures for Official PS3 mag ....
      Perhaps they're using the same excuse as Imagine is using for GamesTM and saying they'll only release yearly figures, as six monthly figures show too many 'fluctuations'?


        Your right, monthly's only have to give 12 monthly ABC's, but weeklies must give 6 monthly figures, forgot about that.

