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The "Memory Unit to Elite 360 HDD" Thread

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    The "Memory Unit to Elite 360 HDD" Thread

    Sorry, if this is the wrong thread, but seeing as the wait for a Transfer Cable is beyond the realms of too long -- probably. I went out and picked up a Memory Unit today and shoved most of game saves onto that, which worked well enough - aside from Viva Pinata not going across anyway.

    In anycase, I've got no problem "sharing the wealth" so to speak and loaning this to the regulars on this here board. What I propose is stick your name down on this thread, I'll send it on, then that person sends it onto the next one and so on until it finds it's way back to me.

    Basically, we keep a tally of who has it through this thread if the mods don't have any objections? Sound okay?

    Sounds fine to me, very generous Steve, if people post in this thread who they send it to and when and everyone should be happy


      I was thinking of doing just this, well not the sharing, the buying to copy. I probably will still buy a card to transfer saves on since I'm buying an Elite in a few weeks.

      I would also be willing to pass around the memory unit so everyone can have ago, though by then the cables probably be sorted.

      Edit: Does every Viva Pinata have this problem as I have a save I'd like to keep?
      Last edited by Gruce; 25-08-2007, 16:59. Reason: pinata


        I reckon so mate, tbh. The regular game save and settings wouldn't copy over.


          Quite a few games have the problem, including Forza 2 & DoA4.

          Just keep your 20gig hard drive & use it on your Elite until the transfer cable turns up!





              Will I know when it happens that the game can't copy. Or will it copy fine and be corrupt. I don't mind losing a few saves since I can't keep the HDD cause I'm selling it to a friend.


                It'll tell you that it can't be copied.


                  Is this still going around guys? Getting an Elite this weekend hopefully trading in my premium, if I can get a mem card in time


                    Forza 2 copied fine for me with the 512 card but you are right viva pinata is a no no


                      Gamestation have offered to do the transfer for me in store while I wait

