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Super Puzzle Fighter HD

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    Super Puzzle Fighter HD

    It's out and I'm a bit disappointed. it's my favourite puzzle game of all time, and I was really looking forward to online vs, especially after the DS showed how well it can be done with puyo pop anniversary and tetris, and probably others. Unfortunately it's more like lumines, unnecessary lag definitely gets in the way. it's far from unplayable, I've played 3 won 3 so far, but it should be better. I think the new graphics are worse too, preferred the old smashing animations to the new ones.
    They've also made a new X' mode where all the characters have been rebalanced - I kinda wish they hadn't but maybe that's for the best, dunno. I do expect most online games to be played like that though, since it's the default setting.
    Bit of a shame all in all, but then it's super puzzle fighter and you can play online, so it's still pretty ace, just not what it might have been...

    Man that's a shame.
    This was my most anticipated live game ho hum.
    Still Streets of Rage 2!!!


      Come on guys, let's not be too downhearted - it's Puzzle Fighter we can play on our HD tellies with wireless pads!

      It's a big deal for me at least - the missus loves the game, but I daren't get it out on DC or PS in case my two house rabbits eat the cables...


        Well ive just been playing it and i love it, im no Puzzle Fighter expert or anything but it plays lovely to me just as good as the other versions. Well worth the 800 points.


          As I said, it's still good, but I don't think there's an excuse for input lag on a puzzle game so it's just a shame it's not better.

          As a side note, the secret characters (akuma and devilot) seem to be pretty severely handicapped online, so take care!


            I've never played a Puzzle Fighter game, so how does this differ from Bejewelled or any other identikit-type game?


              it's purely vs. play, and has a lot of interaction between you and your opponent, rather than you simply clearing as much of the screen as you can like you might in tetris.
              IMO there's far more thinking and tactics needed than in any other puzzler like it


                Thanks, is it easy to pick up and play?


                  i've not played this single player, but the other versions have been quite easy to play vs cpu, on easier skills at least, and train you up reasonably. I think there's absolutely loads of depth to it when it comes to vs humans though, which could take a fair while to learn. I started trying to explain a lot of it in my last post but it was going to be a bit long so I gave up!

                  Regarding my first post, I've played a lot more online now and I was a bit harsh - it's miles better than lumines, and is great fun online. it's still not perfect, and I'm not convinced about the new balancing, but then I never knew what was wrong before...


                    Originally posted by Bleeders View Post
                    Thanks, is it easy to pick up and play?
                    Yeah it's a very nice game and after a couple of goes you'll start to get the strategies down. I didn't experience any lag playing online it was silky.


                      Wahoooooooooo - corkin! Been looking forward to this for some time (April was it?), just off to download it now......time to burn the CPS2.....

                      edit: not bad at all - the lag on live at the minute is crippling the game for me at the mo', but will pick up. Bit odd that they've HD'd the game but not the character animation and some of the 'win' 'lose' text...
                      The extra game types are pretty decent as well - although I'm crap at 'em....
                      Last edited by dannywhac; 29-08-2007, 18:31. Reason: now downloaded game...


                        What the **** is going on with having to use the R button to talk everytime?!?!

                        Private Chat, ftw!


                          I've always liked Puzzle Fighter so this was a no brainer purchase for me. I just wish Capcom had actually made the whole game HD and not been too lazy to do the most important bits - the fighters.

                          Sound quality seems a little off though, perhaps using the same gritty old samples from the coin-op version.


                            Must agree about the fighter sprites, very lazy not only did they not redo them they have done a horrible smoothed out filter thing on them. Look horribly blurred.


                              Awesome release, save for the lo res fighter sprites. I really like this since its being updated by a decent margin. SF2 HF should be like this too, and not that cheap bare bones PSX port.

                              Imo, its better than Lumines. And cheaper to boot. I still suck at it though, I focus too much on just making big blocks and explode em.

