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Co-op 360 game suggestions?

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    phantasy star universe is up to 6 player online co-op....its' also a fantastic game.


      Full Spectrum Warrior I believe now works BC on 360 - Well worth picking up for the co-op !!!


        Streets of rage on xbox live?


          Originally posted by maximum View Post
          phantasy star universe is up to 6 player online co-op....its' also a fantastic game.
          Well done on resisting saying it's "phantastic"!

          Is there a subscription for it like on Final Fantasy or does it use Live servers and is part of their subscription fee?

          With that Marvel game, is it not a bit of a button masher? Could get a little dull if so. If I download the Gold pack and play as Venom, for example, will it work with people who don't have the pack or am I resticted to the original game's lineup?

          Thanks for the suggestion, Yosh, but I'm guessing my friends aren't going to want to go backwards. I'll ask though.

          Having said that, I can imagine having a right laugh on Streets of Rage. I've still got a C&VG video with a preview of the Mega CD and a load of MD games, including SoRII. Great music in that game!


            I am not sure whether you can play with those who do not have the pack. I could probably try later and play with someone who doesn't have the Gold edition, but I will have to wait until my friend gives the game back.
            It is repetetive but somehow, that's where the fun is. Mindless violence, very fun and if you do get bored then you can change your character for variety. Replaying it however, does seem dull.


              It's not out yet, but SNK is releasing Metal Slug 3 which should have co-op.


                Worth raising this question again - anyone? Loved Borderlands / hated Op Flashpoint Dragon Rising.


                  Originally posted by yadda yadda View Post
                  Worth raising this question again - anyone? Loved Borderlands / hated Op Flashpoint Dragon Rising.
                  Flashpoint is not your run of the mill FPS, but for those looking for a more strategic game, I would heartily recommend it. I personally still think the game plays and looks fantastic, and the patches fixed all the major issues too.

                  I also love borderlands, just getting into that myself.

                  I'm keen to try the new Tomb Raider coop down the line too.


                    Lost Planet 2, though it's not for everyone. If you can play through the campaign with a couple of dedicated friends you'll have a great time, especially if they don't moan about the save system.

                    Cheap now too!


                      Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                      Lost Planet 2, though it's not for everyone. If you can play through the campaign with a couple of dedicated friends you'll have a great time, especially if they don't moan about the save system.

                      Cheap now too!

                      Got that one to try, sounds like it could be good.

                      Crackdown 2, wasn't that designed with coop in mind?


                        Yep, Crackdown 2 is up to 4 player co-op. Ignore the people who have only ever tried it in single player and say it's repetitive. With a bunch of like-minded friends, this is pure fun.


                          Operation Flashpoint gets another vote from me as it really comes into it's own in co-op. And Resident Evil 5 too is much better with 2 players.

