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Great Incidental Applications...

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    Great Incidental Applications...

    I was looking at my games last night thinking "why do I still own a copy of Red Faction on the PS2?"

    I try to keep my collection confined to those games that are of good quality, and it would be hard to argue that Red Faction was, to any great degree, excellent.

    The reason I still own the game is that you can do with it something that no other game I know of can do: Digging. In Red Faction you can use any explosive device to dig holes in the walls or landscape. A friend and I spent a long time just digging around the multiplayer levels lookingat the constructions or simply building tunnels. It is something worth experiencing the game for alone.

    Another example would be the FarCry Instincts Predator map maker. The incredible variety of the levels and the rare chance to create an ocean is brilliant.

    And what about the super bounce in Halo 2? Why fight with people when you can co-operate for good old fashioned fun?

    Anyone else come across an entirely incidental application from a game?

    The mighty Rocket Jump (RJ)! It was never an intentional thing, but once it arrived properly in Quake it opened up whole new ways to play it and subsequent games. Have a look at Quake Done Quick With A Vengeance and see how it's used to shortcut around the maps, and whole mods for games have be born from it and its derivatives.

    Have a look at the Defrag mod for quake 3, a whole game essentially based around trick jumping, RJ/Grenade Jumping, plasma climbing etc.

    Although not strictly not incidental, how many people got sidetracked at the fairground level of Ganbare Goemon/Legend Of The Mystical Ninja on SNES? I spent hours and hours there instead of playing the main game

    I guess the Forge mode in Halo 3 is built around the same idea really.


      claymore jumping in socom was great fun you could use it to access all sorts of areas that were suposedly off limits, it ruined the online game though as you would get people sat in walls shooting at you.


        Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
        claymore jumping in socom was great fun you could use it to access all sorts of areas that were suposedly off limits, it ruined the online game though as you would get people sat in walls shooting at you.
        It was YOU hiding in the bell tower shooting me all the time then eh!


          Originally posted by debug77 View Post
          It was YOU hiding in the bell tower shooting me all the time then eh!
          nope nearley everytime i tried it i would die instantley .
          Last edited by Lebowski; 04-10-2007, 08:54.


            Psi ops is in my xbox collection still for the psychic surfing, which allowed you to bypass much of the puzzles if you wanted to and was never an intentional use of the levitation power.

            Whenever you can move objects around in a game I always try to get to places I'm not meant to go, having spent ages stacking boxes and stuff in the original Deus Ex game. Don't think it came to much but was still fun.


              You know Red Faction 3 is apparently in the works, hopefully Violition will make a good game around the engine this time...

