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Irritable Game Syndrome

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    Irritable Game Syndrome

    Do you ever have days where you finally have some time to play, you've got about 6 games on the go or more, but you can't be just cannot be arsed. But you try anyway, because you know you won't get another chance like this

    So you stick a game on, and EVERYTHING irritates you to the point where you are raging.

    That's what happened to me after playing the new Pro Evo online, so I tried to play some Skate...same happened...I couldn't do anything, I kept smashing myself up on things, I couldn't DO anything, which in turn left me raging.

    So I decided to turn the 360 off, very pissed off at not being able to enjoy the time I've actually got.

    So many games to play but not one of them appeals to me today. So frustrating.

    This sorta thing ever happen to anyone else, anyone else have days like these?

    Yes, I have days like that. You start off in a bad mood and then end up teetering on the edge where one push too far and you lose it big style. I remember a while back after 2 or 3 hours of crap gaming, I put PGR3 in and tried to play online. I was shoved off at the first corner (as per usual) and got so angry, I almost blacked out from sheer rage. I smashed the controller to bits, and moped off to eat some Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.


      Did you switch on the PS3 or wii instead ?
      Last edited by Yoshimax; 23-10-2007, 15:55.


        Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
        Did you switch on the PS3 instead ?
        I find even switching the PS3 makes me angry sometimes. But then I bought it at launch, so every time it swooshes into life all I can see is a big pile of pound notes slowly burning in front of me, while a man dressed as a giant enemy crab laughs and laughs and laughs.


          Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
          Did you switch on the PS3 instead ?
          Hilarious mate. Seriously, my sides are actually hurting from laughing so damn hard.

          Last edited by Jebus; 23-10-2007, 15:56.


            There you go I've made it even funnier for you.

            Serious question mind - your thread is about games in general, you own all 3 consoles yet you only gave one a chance - perhaps some locoroco screensaver would have calmed you down ?

            If you want to laugh go read the GT5:P thread - it's proper hilarious.


              Yosh, look I know you have issues with the PS3 but this is nothing to do with any format, I promise you.

              Locoroco might have calmed me down but my wife would have been raging because of the music.

              I'll freely admit my PS3 is gathering dust, couldn't even be arsed to turn it on to download the GT5 demo.

              My 360 is my favourite console, if I could only have the one console then it'd be that (no touching yourself now mate ) no contest, so if I can't be arsed with anything on that (and I had a pile of games I went through going "meh, meh, meh"'s not that they aren't good, they're excellent but I'm just in that mood, hence the thread) then I'm not gonna be arsed with anything else.


                I'll always find SOMETHING I want to play - shareware, Snake, Scrabble... (run out of alliteration unfortunately )


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  Hilarious mate. Seriously, my sides are actually hurting from laughing so damn hard.

                  Every time I switch on my PS3 it needs updating. It took 3 hours yesterday by which time i had no desire to play it. At all. Almost ever again.


                    Yes I suppose so.

                    The trick is not to play if you don't feel like it! I often sit down with a game because I feel like I ought to and then subsequently realise I am really not enjoying it.


                      Red Steel.

                      That is all


                        Most days I can't be arsed and I used to put in rediculous hours. I've always got a lot of my mind nowadays - nothing serious, I just find my mind drifts off to work etc and I find it hard to get stuck into a game most of the time, even an arcade game. On the other hand, I used to be a dumb teenager with nothing on my mind 99% of the time... and it was quite easy to spend hours on end playing goldeneye.

                        I guess you just have to treat gaming as a hobby, if you can't be bothered with it, do something else. Can't be bothered with anything, do some work!


                          Its usually the daytime that does it to me. I seem to be way more alert at night. I even get in moods were i will look at my stuff i think your getting sold lol.


                            Its werid, ive got a ton of console games and bought consoles I have barely touched (as soon as I clocked all its worth with Halo 3 - I stopped playing it), but my DS has gotton a lot of play time simply because the games are fast to get in and out (quick save 4tw), useally I end up playing it for the 30 odd mins before I sleep, or on the train back if I can get a seat. Ive been playing some TF2 and some WoW, but neither of them are quite as enjoyable as they used too. I think I should hold off any other purcahse untill next month. I got Super Paper Mario and Eternal Sonata just sitting in their disc drive, I want to play them - but when I boot them up I realise how much of a grind it is to get to the next story segement :\


                              Originally posted by Blair View Post
                              Every time I switch on my PS3 it needs updating. It took 3 hours yesterday by which time i had no desire to play it. At all. Almost ever again.
                              There hasn't been an update for about five weeks, regular PS3 player I assume

                              Know what you mean though Jebus.

