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Motion Sickness?

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    In my experience of motion sickness in games (I get bad motion sickness from FPS games especially) it is not just limited to FPS games. I find that games which have moving camera angles to be the worst culprit. Recently i found this out when revisiting Silent hill 2 & 3, SH 2 triggered me off slowly as i progressed play. But SH 3 had me by the nads in 5 minutes, the first scene in fact. The producers had made teh camera shift with a slant and whenever you turned it was like a bad roller coaster!

    I must say though Keith, i dont know about popping pills (motion sickness tablets) before settling down to a game, can be addictive lol!

    Like others have stated already, its worrying because there is no real solution, and given games these days where they draw influence on movies and the trend of irratic camera angles itsgoing to really limit my gaming library.......



      Gonna pick up some wristbands today and see if they make any difference - especially since I've borrowed Halo 3 from a colleague, I suspect it will still make me feel sick as a dog, but it's worth a go!

      FWIW - I don't get motion sickness in a car, unless I'm not looking where I am going, likewise for a boat. As someone's said above, it's down to the fact that your eyes say you're moving and your inner ear detects otherwise, or vice versa....


        I get it with a few games. Katamari Damacy (& sequels) is the main offender this generation, whether on PS2 or PSP. I really like the game too ... but after a few minutes it just does me in.

        Bioshock was borderline. Didn't affect me as much as Katamari but I did feel it from time to time (hence I traded it after only a couple of hours play).

        Worst offender ever was Dark Forces on the PC. Needed a lie down after the couple of times I tried it ... it affected everyone else (mates, brother, etc) who tried it too. *Shudder*


          The only game I`ve ever felt ill playing was Marathon, but I don`t know if it`s because of the mad visuals or the fact that the game was so **** I was having an allergic reaction to it.


            Now that i think about it, i get motion sickness when i read whilst in a vehicle in motion, especially in a car making turns. Its all related to things moving whilst you are focussed on one point.

            I remember a while ago when someone suggested i play a game in a fully lit room as that would help my equilibrium (sp) but it didnt really help me out im afraid.



              Fisheye camera games make me feel queasy. Both Prey and The Darkness skank me after around 15 mins but I can play stuff like Halo 3 till the cows come home.


                Got some bands - £3.99, worth a go, will give Halo 3 a hammering later and report back....


                  I can see a load of us buying these bands and all collectively throwing up in our homes lol! Sounds like so satanic ritual or something lol!

                  Oh well, all in good spirit for halloween i guess lol!



                    Originally posted by buster_broon View Post
                    you can buy a wristband that apparently helps with motion sickness

                    some guys at sea use them for the roughest weather and they seem to work fine
                    These bands are also sold to help pregnant women with morning sickness, apparently they apply pressure to the point on the wrist that controls vomiting, it's all to do with acupuncture.

                    As my partner is currently pregnant I got her a pair and they didn't work!


                      The bands worked for me ... I used to turn green on buses and cars while I was growing up, so they were a godsend. Thankfully, for some reason, it all stopped when I hit my twenties.


                        Well.... after nearly two hours of Halo 3 with the bands on, I only felt slightly queasy - certainly manageable and I could have carried on.... Normally can only manage 1/2 hr of an FPS before having to give up. So, I think they do help. Will try again tomorrow


                          Dont forget Im buggered anyway though so I take anti vomit pills all time (I still throw up nearly every day).

                          When I was "well" I used to get motion sickness at back a bus etc.. first game to ever give me motion sickness was wolfenstien on PC. It was a new phenomonen then and it was a few months before reports came out of others getting the same feeling sick etc... I pretty much couldnt play a map on Doom until I knew the layout inside out (as for me once my brain knows a map its fine).

                          I actually very rarely get it now on FPS its a big change for me as until 360 I could never go near a console FPS due to the slow response time of a camera pan of control which just smears that scenery across on the older consoles (couldnt play Halo1 and I bought a USA launch machine). Their isnt intense small dark spaces of corridors on FPS nowadays its all open areas so the smear of walls moving fast across the screen isnt their. I didnt get it once in Halo3 and I beat it in 2days. HL2 I got it again but thats because it isnt perfectly smooth in movement panning and if it isnt it effects me I gip. Bobbing etc.. doesnt help either. It gave me it really bad on PC (add to that it was about 90fps so was too quick to pan the lovely oposite vomit effect).

                          Still ignore me I get motion sickness in my chuffing wheelchair when I go out hehe

                          To help though you either want to play in a dark room or light room (depends on person) and make the room cold. Also always turn bob off and if its a very dark game make your brightness lighter for it. Spend abit of time with the analog movement axis as you might need to up it for the console game to stop that slow laggy panning.


                            I had another night on Halo3 last night without a problem. I'm using the bands, sitting further back and using my glasses (short sighted) with the room slightly lit. I used to sit 2 feet away (from a 42" plasma!), lights off, no bands = sickness!


                              2 Feet!?! DAMN....... that is close man! Not good!

                              I dont agree with the manuals reccomended distance but i reckon you need to be a lot further back to enjoy all 42inches of plasma glory lol!

                              These wrist bands sound good, will yah normal economical elastic bands do the trick? I guess if i put em too TOIGHT i might lose all sensation in my hands but thats a risk ima hafta take to smake some FPS action.



                                No - they have a ball on the inside of them the presses on a pressure point, this is what supposedly stops the nausea. So normal elastic bands would be no good - you could improvise I guess, but for the sake of 4 quid, you'd be better off buying some....

