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    MMOG Quake II

    Some people played Quake II yesterday. 500 users online in one game (from multiple locations across the planet).... Worked ok apparantly. Not sure if I'm allowed to talk about any details though. Let's just say it involves a technology that one console manufacturer wants to use in its next console.

    But..... How cool is that??!!?? 500 nutters with rocket launchers!
    Imagine standing there waiting near your base and suddenly 250 people come storming over the hill and all hell breaks loose. Awesome.

    Well I doubt it was Nintendo.


      Grab the rail gun and find somewhere to purch. With that many people you wouldn't even have to aim, you're bound to hit someone

      Can't help but think it would be complete chaos though.

      I take it wasn't one of the normal Q2 multiplayer maps.



        When Q2 first came out there was talk of huge 200+ player 'battlefield' style games. Of course this all never happened due to the predominance of modems at the time.

        The 50+ player Barryworld Saturday FFA games in 1998 on the 64player maps were great though, before they became all commercial and stuff.


          Lactose, this actually happened yesterday. Not a joke. 500 users.

          No it wasn't the normal maps.


            Sounds cool. Before this, 64 people in a Quake3 game was considered the max. Wonder what network infrastructure they are using to pull it off? Games like EVE online can support loads of players (thousands), but that ain't a real-time FPS, and they need all kinds of network tricks too like clusters, multi-casting, and relays. If this Q2 match was just 1 box with 200 users plugged in, and they were getting good gameplay, the technology must be ace.


              Sounds f@ckin great but the real qu is...

              ...were they using the grappling hook?


                Yeah, EVE supports 20,000 players. Be interesting to see what technology was behind this. You say it may be related to a future console... well, Sony are behind Planetside and that's rather massively online and a fps


                  Hope they banned messagemode...

                  "OMG LAG BOT INVISIBLE LAMER" x 500

                  Is there still an active Q2 scene? I used to be involved quite a bit back in 1998/99 but gradually lost interest, last time I played I had a hallnet connection at uni and was berated for having a 9 ping and being an 'aimbot'.


                    any links for news on this?

                    or anymore information?

                    is it going to happen aagin?

                    details duder!


                      I know this is off topic, but charles, your avatar is disturbing me...


                        Heh. You should see it on opera. It goes 3 times as quick as IE.....
                        I always used to have this avatar, but when the avatar size was restricted, I just quickly grabbed the first frame and used that. But now I've had time to reduce the colour count to get the size down to under 8k, so I'm back!

                        If anyone knows who I work for and which console manufacturer they are working with for the next gen, then you can figure out which technology was used for this.
                        That's all you're getting from me.


                          IBM/Toshiba = CELL = Sony = PS3

                          I can tell you that PACE are pretty interested in CELL. Shhhh, keep it under your hat. They already produce PVR boxes with internal hard drive, doesn't take much imagination to add a DVD drive for a fully featured home entertainment centre. You can guess who else they are in talks with.


                            Phantom maybe? Gwaaan tell us


                              Originally posted by Plow King
                              Phantom maybe? Gwaaan tell us
                              *Looks in a dictornary*

                              Phantom means in other words, Ghost meaning, therefore it doesn't exist.

                              So thats not the one.

                              If anyone knows who I work for and which console manufacturer they are working with for the next gen, then you can figure out which technology was used for this.
                              That's all you're getting from me.

                              Either 'PS3', 'Xenon' or 'N5'.

