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PS3 internal dust problems

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    PS3 internal dust problems

    Dont know if anyone else saw this over on kotaku
    But this afternoon I had the hoover out and put a piece of cloth over the end of the hose and ran it over the various air holes on my console, needless to say I was amazed at the ammount of dust on the cloth.
    Might be an idea for people to check.

    I've always vacuumed my consoles (and TV ventilation slots) very thoroughly every couple of months. Never checked to see how much gunk it actually removes but it can't do any harm if done sensibly and may be doing a lot of good. That dust could end up on the laser lens.

    Keyboards are another thing worth cleaning regularly. I've even read articles recommending putting them in a dishwasher using the low temp cycle.


      My 360 was absolutely filthy internally when I swapped the fans out. Dirty great beast.


        I found having my PS3 standing up it gets a lot less dusty.


          Some website kept calling up Sony Customer service asking if Dust would invalidate the warranty and every time they said no. They recorded them saying that so the whole world could not fear their dusty consoles being refused


            Given that this

            was the PS3 they refused to fix then I'm not surprised.

            While I don't buy it was a health hazard for the repair guy that goes beyond typical usage conditions and frankly if you're that much of a dirty minging bastard you don't deserve any sort of after care at all.

            So using those pics as the base line for refusal I don't you'll have a problem huxley.


              That is disgusting. Honestly if that was in my living room I wouldn't be able to settle. (SWIDT?)


                I didnt see the pictures untill you posted them, man that is just gross - imagine the house that came from.


                  Wasn't it kept in an "entertainment center"?

                  Standard Internet scare story.....


                    Originally posted by huxley View Post
                    I didnt see the pictures untill you posted them, man that is just gross - imagine the house that came from.
                    Scary isn't it, but sadly some people are that gross. I can attest to this first hand having stood in someone's front room where there was cat **** half way up the walls, the floor was compacted rubbish two feet thick and the woman who owned the house decided to throw a spoon full of mash potato at me... but I digress.

                    The pics only came out in the last day or so.

                    He must have lived in a sawmill. Or underground. Or in an underground sawmill.


                      I remember back in the day when i worked in a game shop, people used to trade consoles in like that and they've always stink of tobacco, it was grotesque.


                        Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                        He must have lived in a sawmill. Or underground. Or in an underground sawmill.
                        Or above a bowling alley, and below another bowling alley


                          I must admit when I first read the thread I thought it was a little extreme how Sony wouldn't touch it claiming it was too dusty, however on seeing those pictures I think I have to agree with them! HOW on earth do you end up with a console THAT dirty?! Seriously My Xbox that's been sitting on a shelf for about 2 years or more, uncovered isn't as dirty as that!


                            Personally I think Sony have added a little dirt to that, I mean how the feck does something get that dirty??

                            The guy also seemed pretty confident the outside of hius ubit was clean, now who do you believe, the giant evil corp, or the man with the broken ps3.

                            I believe it may be dusty, and so what anyway, how does dust represent a risk to the technicians health, the guy obviously spends a fortune on Sony good's, would it be too mmuch tyo ask to replace his unit, and I personally believe Sony threw some extra dust from the hoover on that.


                              I did the old "cloth over the end of the hoover tube and clean the vents of your console" trick and, even after 11 months of usage my PS3 had the most miniscule amount of dust in the vents.

                              Like Boris, when I worked in store I was amazed at the state of some consoles being traded in. How the hell does someones PS2 disc tray become caked in putrid, crusty yellow crap. And how does the owner not notice

                              Why do people not look after their possesions? I mean, you've paid ?300+ for a piece of elecrical equipment and you let it fester and rot. Then, you wonder why it stops working.


