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Assassin's Creed Discussion Thread **Major Plot Spoilers Included**

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    Impossible for her to be the previous subject, she sends an email about him - and well, the entire room + sleeping quaters is covered in subject 16's blood, so hes dead (kinda confirmed in the email as well). While the how and why are a mystery, its obvious that desmond will gain more ablities from Altair (or an other descendant) as the story progresses, making him into a full blown assassain. Im looking forward to playing the game again tbh, seeing it all play it with the knowledge that I have.


      Does anyone know if you can skip the credits? Since everytime i reload memory block 7 to go and flag hunt i have to watch thro all the credits again before being allowed back on the animus, assss


        I`m hoping that there will be another game as the ending would indicate because I really enjoyed it. Eventhough I have a mind of my own I find that my gaming tastes are the same as the masses so I can`t understand why so many people are down on this game, but there seems to be as many people moaning about it that haven`t even played as the ones that have.

        Anyway, when the game first kicks off and the and the entire plot of what you thought Assassin`s Creed was going to be about is blown out of the water, Vidic mentions about Desmond being an assassin to which he replies "Not anymore." (I think) which got me thinking that the comune he once belonged to was indeed a present day splinter group to the assassins order after Altair took over.

        If Desmond was indeed a skilled assassin like his ancestor Altair, why didn`t he just see his arse and kill everyone? So I`m not sure after playing the game what his links are to the order other than being related to Altair.

        I was kind of hoping that as the story revolved around the time of the crusades that the treasure was the "holy grail" (which is briefly mentioned in an email in the conference room) and that Desmond and Altair were the same person, the do also look alike. I thought the last level of the game would be Altair/Desmond using his assassin skills to escape the facility and doing a bit of climbing and killing in a modern setting, oh well.
        Last edited by Nembot; 19-11-2007, 11:45.


          Originally posted by Nembot View Post
          Vidic mentions about Desmond being an assassin to which he replies "Not anymore." (I think) which got me thinking that the comune he once belonged to was indeed a present day splinter group to the assassins order after Altair took over.

          If Desmond was indeed a skilled assassin like his ancestor Altair, why didn`t he just see his arse and kill everyone? So I`m not sure after playing the game what his links are to the order other than being related to Altair.
          I`m playing the game through again now but on my first playthrough I missed the initial dialogue with Lucy.

          Desmond talks about the fact that he was indeed living in a cell of the order with his parents (they refer to it as "The Farm"), he was never allowed to leave the compound so he decided to run away at the age of 16.


            Finished this earlier on and spent a good hour wandering around after the credits just looking at all the writing on the floor and walls and checking out peoples email.

            Now, I've checked the three computers and everything else I can interact with. What do I do now? Is it simply a case of quiting to the title screen or is there anything else I can do?


              I think you can go back into the Animus and load up a memory block if you wish but that is it in terms of the exploring the lab unless you wanna really check out all the writings in detail. If you don't want to do any of those things then yes back to the title screen you go.


                Cool. Didn't want to quit out in case there was anything mega important like a super-discovery followed by "dun-dun-duuuuun" and a fade to black.

                Or something...


                  If anyone wants to know how to get that flag on the pillar to the south of the kingdom you have to climb on the big arch and jump down then press B to reach out otherwise you will miss by a foot and fall to your death.

                  I am on the last mission now but still dont have the achievement for 50 Combo kills? I keep fighting guards using the classing X attack but nothing??

                  I have 95 flags in the kingdom but cant seem to find the missing 5 and there is a area south that is barred off????


                    Originally posted by Rubix78 View Post
                    If anyone wants to know how to get that flag on the pillar to the south of the kingdom you have to climb on the big arch and jump down then press B to reach out otherwise you will miss by a foot and fall to your death.

                    I am on the last mission now but still dont have the achievement for 50 Combo kills? I keep fighting guards using the classing X attack but nothing??

                    I have 95 flags in the kingdom but cant seem to find the missing 5 and there is a area south that is barred off????
                    which combo kills are you doing? The one where they go to attack you and you end up killing them various ways (counter) doesnt count. It has to be by pressing X at right timing to cause one of the killing animations.


                      How are the killing animations any different to the counter animations? Am I right in thinking that a killing animation is, for example breaking a guard's legs and thrusting the sword through his stomach?


                        Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                        How are the killing animations any different to the counter animations? Am I right in thinking that a killing animation is, for example breaking a guard's legs and thrusting the sword through his stomach?
                        combo kills involves pressing X as you hear the swords hit each other, after 3 or 4 of these it tends to cause a combo kill animation.

                        I have to use R and X to counter anyway where as combo kill is jut X.


                          Major dissapointment for me was there were no night-time missions. Indeed night never falls at in AC.
                          Night would have brought up some interesting gameplay mechanics, the population would be tucked up in bed leaving only (more aware) guards patrolling the streets. Darkness could've provided extra cover in the form of deadly shadows. Ok, it's a bit Thief, but then Thief was the dog's bollox.


                            Originally posted by angelox View Post
                            Is there any bonus ending given if you have a 100% complete rate?
                            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
                            I wouldn't be surprised if there is one if you complete the game 100%.
                            I got a 1000G from this and got the same ending I've read about.


                              Just to continue on with the plot musings, I never realised how much of the Assassins' Brotherhood stuff is based on purported fact:

                              Nothing is true: everything is permitted.

                              "Attributed to Hassan i Sabbah, called the "Old Man of the Mountain", founder and ruler of the Hashishim, or assassins. Variously quoted as Sabbah's last words on his deathbed, or as a motto, or ritual passphrase tought to the highest advanced members of the cult, to be recited with the speaker's back to Mecca. In either case, the quote is emblematic of the radical relativism and manipulation of belief Sabbah cultivated in order to control his followers. Recruits were drugged unconscious and taken into the garden interior of a stronghold that was outfitted with every luxury and pleasure, where they remained for a time until, drugged again, they would be returned to the outside and led to believe that they had been transported to Paradise, courtesy of Sabbah, who presented himself as a spiritual figure equal in stature to Mohammed, with the power to grant this access. In this way, Sabbah secured loyalty from his followers that has rarely been rivalled. It is related of him that he would at times demonstrate this loyalty to visitors by causing sentries posted in high places around his fortress to jump to their deaths at a gesture from him."

                              Heyheyhey - all feature in Assassin's Creed, pretty much. I could've done with more drugs and whores, though.
                              Last edited by anephric; 15-01-2008, 22:38. Reason: dunno why I wrote "guild" - must've been wanking off over Oblivion too much.


                                I guess they left them out to avoid an 18 certificate.

                                Assassin's Creed is supposed to be very historically accurate. The cities allegedly looked just like they do in the game, and the nine assassination targets were all real people who died in 1191, so Ubisoft says. Can't help but wonder, if the next one takes place in

                                Yona Guni, the purported 'Japanese Atlantis' that had technology that was incredibly advanced for its time,

                                will the developers have more freedom to let their imaginations loose and make it slightly less realistic and include more game-y things? I think an Assassin's Creed sequel could definitely benefit from something like that.

