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Diary of an average gamer

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    Diary of an average gamer

    This is my first blogging attempt, so please be gentle!

    I'm not sure how well I fit in on this site with regards to my lack of gaming prowess. You see, I've never been particular good at games but I have always liked the idea of them. My first memory of gaming was on the Spectrum 48k that my brothers had. They had all the usual fayre available for that rubber-keyed box of fun: Manic Miner, Chuckie Egg etc and I loved watching them play, but as soon as it became my turn, I knew it wouldn't last long as despite desperately wanting to play the games, I was decidely crap at them

    And nothing has changed in however many years it has been since then. Out of all the games I have bought over the years, I could probably count the ones that I have finished on one hand! I finished Ico, Resident Evil: Nemisis and Silent Hill 2 and perhaps some others, but nothing springs to mind at this precise moment. And it's not like I don't have the time to finish them. Yes I am married but we don't have kids (yet) and wifey doesn't mind me playing the games when she's around but somehow, I rarely finish a game.

    But why Dan, you ask, WHY?!

    And you may well ask, but I'm not sure my answer will satisfy, as the main reason is fear The fear of dying in games and then having to do parts of the game again that I barely scraped through previously - I just cannot past this affliction! It's probably the main reason that I have no problem selling a game when I know I've had enough of it. If it sits there unplayed for a month, the chances it'll stay there unused for a year, so I sell it quick smart, and move on to the next game that I love the look and idea of, but will probably, for reasons described above, last no more than a month or two in my house!

    I have Assassin's Creed and Ratchet & Clank on the go at the mo, and time will tell whether I have what it takes to finish either of them. Bizarrely though, I think I will probably finish both in this instance - well, I like the idea of doing that anyway!

    Is this a bad blog? If anyone has any constructive criticism they can give me I would be grateful. Something must be not quite right as about it as nearly 50 people have read it but I haven't had a single comment - good nor bad!

    I'm not moaning or maligning the lack of attention, I just want to know what I can do to improve my bloggery


      I think it's a fine blog. Nice to read one without constant bloody moaning in it.
      As for having the fear, try to just buy games that you know you'll like. And quick save often...


        Originally posted by funkydan View Post
        Something must be not quite right as about it as nearly 50 people have read it but I haven't had a single comment - good nor bad!
        Nah it's fine, it kind of mixes in with the "no news is good news" saying.

        Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
        I think it's a fine blog. Nice to read one without constant bloody moaning in it.
        Yea it seems in the blog world people only comment on negativity I'm afraid.


          Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
          I think it's a fine blog. Nice to read one without constant bloody moaning in it.
          As for having the fear, try to just buy games that you know you'll like. And quick save often...
          Cool - that's good advice! But some games just look so awesome that I am unable to resist!

          Originally posted by MarioMark View Post
          Nah it's fine, it kind of mixes in with the "no news is good news" saying.

          Yea it seems in the blog world people only comment on negativity I'm afraid.
          Ahhhhh, no news is good news - didn't know that applied to blogs!

          Thanks lads


            How about Guitar Hero. Didn't you finish that? You seemed pretty damn good at it.


              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
              How about Guitar Hero. Didn't you finish that? You seemed pretty damn good at it.
              Well, I suppose I did, but only up to the end of the Medium setting, so I guess that I should be pretty chuffed with that Looking forward to number 3!!


                There's your answer right there - hit GH2 again and strive for Hard mode - when you get stuck on that drop back to medium and try 5*'ing stuff.

                You'll find hard too hard at first (it takes a while to get the mental adjustment to hit orange subliminally) but then you'll find when you hit the wall again and drop back to medium you'll romp them, back to hard, move on, dabble in first set expert if you feel lucky.

                GH is the one game where I think you can really noticeably improve just by practicing - About 8 months ago Hard & Expert scared the bejesus out of me but now I can at least tackle the songs and even 5* quite a lot of the first sets on expert whereas Hard has become my standard difficulty and I can't abide medium cos it's so dull.

                DO IT.


                  Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                  There's your answer right there - hit GH2 again and strive for Hard mode - when you get stuck on that drop back to medium and try 5*'ing stuff.

                  You'll find hard too hard at first (it takes a while to get the mental adjustment to hit orange subliminally) but then you'll find when you hit the wall again and drop back to medium you'll romp them, back to hard, move on, dabble in first set expert if you feel lucky.

                  GH is the one game where I think you can really noticeably improve just by practicing - About 8 months ago Hard & Expert scared the bejesus out of me but now I can at least tackle the songs and even 5* quite a lot of the first sets on expert whereas Hard has become my standard difficulty and I can't abide medium cos it's so dull.

                  DO IT.
                  Thanks for the encouragement dude, but alas GH2 has gone the way that many of my games do i.e. it's been flogged. But GH3 should be along any day now () and I will certainly give the hard mode a go if I can!


                    Start on hard then. And don't fall back to medium till you crack a few songs - you seriously won't believe how much it ups your game !


                      Dude, you're scaring me just with the prospect of starting on the hard setting But what the hell, I'll give it go - got nothing to lose really have I?!


                        Do it.. It's the only way. Infact with GH1, although I was playing through on Easy initially, I always played Ace of Spades on Expert. Always. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

