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My Blog My Rules.

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    My Blog My Rules.

    I will start in what seems to be the time honoured tradition now with a bit about myself :-

    I guess I represent the more mature end of game fan in this place as a 37y old, I work in a city dealing room doing stuff far too boring to go into here but will use the 'Yuppie Nuremburg' defence of it pays the mortgage. May make my view out of step occasionally with many here but guess thats the point of these things to get different voices heard.

    My gaming history goes right back to the days of the ZX81 with fond memories of JK Grays 3d Monster Maze (anybody who claims that ID invented the fps genre can get lost, even though you never actually shoot the t-rex).

    I've been an avid gamer ever since and can list the following as owned formats ZX81, ZX Speccy 48k & 128K, Acorn Electron, Amiga, SNES, Gamecube, N64, Wii, Game Gear, Dreamcast, Xbox, X360, PS1/2/3, PSP, GB, GBA, GB Micro, PSP & DS

    In my time I've forked out £100 plus on Street Fighter II for the snes, £120 for Mario Kart 64 & deliberately taken a honeymoon in the US to grab an N64 on the day of release (not that the then wife realised this at the time) and can't begin to calculate the cash and time invested in this pursuit we all love.

    Not that blogs have to have a specific focus but reckon you should always aim to write in your own voice so I will go for the time constrained parent who hasn't ever fully grown up end of the market. Most of the time this will probably be me slagging off things that annoy me intensly as I slip into the inevitable Daily Mail reading middle class hatred of everything and everyone with a hint of Charlie Brooker style misanthropy (i don't read the facist rag Mail but hopefully you get my drift).

    Until such time i can rant about illegal immigrants stealing our games or spending their illegally gained benefit on gamer-points I'll have to find other topics though.

    Currently the great love of my gaming life is Mario Galaxy, I've always had a love of Nintendo and what they do and this is just the latest in a long line of wonderfullness from them. No point going on about how great it is, it just is.

    It feels like fine wine, on occasion i want to 'neck' a new game as fast as possible, but with this I want to savour it, limiting myself to a few stars a night and not moving on from a galaxy until I've hoovered up all the open stars.

    Got my son playing it over the weekend and having given it a big build up he claimed to love it, in my heart though I suspect he'd rather have been shooting something in the bollocks, playing a no-rules-butt-plug-cage-pube-trim-bikini match in WWE or whatever else it is that is now considered acceptable for 10 year olds to do.

    I really hope that Mario Galaxy has the legs a lot of Nintendo titles seem to possess nowadays and hangs around the charts for months as its a title that I believe anybody who claims to love video games should get to play. My point is I do wonder whether it will have mass appeal and shift in the way nintendogs or brain training or even wii sports has. It could be too big a game and offputting for the new converts to Nintendo's consoles, and too cutesy for many of the current generation of gamer who wants to kill stuff or dress their avatar up in bling. Critical acclaim is guaranteed for this, be interesting to see if the sales follow.

    My other pet peev at the moment is forums, or more specifcally things that can happen in forums, nothing riles me quicker than ****wits who can't type 'the' and put 'teh', why ? how bloody hard is it to type the ?

    Nobody types adn, or fro, why teh ? retards the lot of them.

    The other is the forum nazi who insists whenever anybody types an opinion they have to go back and add IMHO to it, i typed it, of course its my opinion (just realised the para above about typing 'teh' should have IMHO after it, sorry).

    Not got a lot of time for rofl, smileys or lol either, if you aren't a 9y old girlie texting your best friend about High School Musical or My Little Ponies don't type it, grow up.

    Like i said, my blog, my rules !

    ps capitals now corrected and used for sensitive souls who are offended by excessive use lower case letters
    Last edited by merf; 20-11-2007, 13:17.

    LMFAO (oh, wait...)

    This one is going to be interesting!


      Good blog. I'm fully against 'teh' and other 'geekspeak'.


        Teh blog sounds phat! LMAO!


          Lack of capitals annoys me more than internet speak...




              How do you handle looking at things on the internetz with this dis0rder?! I would have gone proper techy by now tbh!!1


                I don't understand why people get upset about LOL.

                Alan Carr did a little comedy sketch about it on TV last night, and it was a funny rant but I think using LOL is about letting the person know your state of mind when writing something.

                It's a little more explanatory than a smiley. I'm not one for txt spk but do like a good LOL.



                  Wasn't that Jimmy Carr?


                    I thought that was Alan Davies?


                      Originally posted by merf View Post
                      The other is the forum nazi who insists whenever anybody types an opinion they have to go back and add IMHO to it, i typed it, of course its my opinion (just realised the para above about typing 'teh' should have IMHO after it, sorry).
                      This seems good. It's a bit of a pet hate for me, too. It's such a feeble and cynical ploy to try and avoid comebacks, like it qualifies your own opinion as bulletproof, and anyone who challenges it is wasting their pitiful time. Cos saying IMO makes what you say uncriticisable, doesn't it, because you're a human being with an equal, valuable opinion, right? Yeah, just don't rub it in our bastard faces. If you really have a conviction about what you're saying, you shouldn't have to put IMO or IMHO. I've done it a few times and felt like a scummer, as if I'm totally unsure of my own point.

                      IME (in my experience) on other forums, the one who scream IN MY OPINION during everything they say have almost no tolerance of other people's views at all.


                        Originally posted by merf View Post
                        My gaming history goes right back to the days of the ZX81 with fond memories of JK Grays 3d Monster Maze (anybody who claims that ID invented the fps genre can get lost, even though you never actually shoot the t-rex).
                        Winner (imo)


                          Originally posted by Nijo View Post
                          Wasn't that Jimmy Carr?

                          It was Alan Carr - on Jimmy Carr's Live at Hammersmith on BBC1 a couple of nights ago.


                            So people should write in their own voice as long as their voice doesn't contain anything you disapprove of such as...teh?

                            I don't know, the forum nazis even get their own blogs now!

                            And can I just add...


                              Originally posted by John Parry View Post
                              And can I just add...
                              Love it (imho)

