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Nothing but good things to say

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    F zero will sell alright I reckon. And VJ totally outperformed Capcoms expectations.

    I'm having the same problem as everyone else. i've only managed to put 2 hours into Kotor so far despite having had it 10 days. VJ and Fzero have got their hooks in too deep. Also wanna add Wolfenstein on Live to the mix. Too too TOO much fun. Been playing with a great bunch of guys and had some amazing sessions. Was up till 4am on wednesday and wrecked in work the next day.

    My mate asked me if I wanted to go wakeboarding with him the other day and I had to actually contemplate blowing him out to get some decent Kotor time clocked up. Then I realised just what a sad freak I was being and decided to go. Still thought about the games though even when I was being dragged 30mph behind a speedboat.


      I really do hope so... it may re-affirm my faith in the gaming masses.

      Cube really is the fun gamers console of choice and it really drives me mad to see it floundering.. although, it could be NoE's fault.

      Hopefully, they'll chuck some marketting bucks behind FZero and VJ, from what I've heard they deserve to sell well.


        I just want to join in the love-up, and at the same time add a PAL gamer's perspective. Since May I have bought the following new releases (all PAL):

        Wind Waker
        Wario Ware
        Play It Pinball
        Pokemon Sapphire

        All of these games (well OK not really Pinball) have had me playing obsessively into the night at one time or another. There's more than enough there to last me until Christmas and I haven't even mentioned the older games I've bought over the same period plus of course the ever-growing "unfinished" pile.

        Plus I'm still looking forward to Joe, PN03, F-Zero etc. etc.

        I think all I'm trying to say is: yes, it's a fantastic summer for games, even for us poor undernourished PAL types!


          Gaming for me is fantastic at the moment.

          For the past couple of years I've been completely skint (uni student et al) and now I've finished, I've finally got the money to pick up all the games I've wanted to over the past couple of years, so I've got so much choice!! Add in the new games like VF4e, VJ, F-Zero GX and all, and it's getting better by the minute!

