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Realistic Driving game?

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    Realistic Driving game?

    I'm currently taking driving lessons (my second tomorrow). I had a nightmare on my first trying to get to grips with releasing the handbrake, using the clutch to set off, applying some accel whilst trying to steer and look around me. Twas like doing that rub your belly whilst rubbing your head X2 for me.

    Any driving games out there that could help a little in doing this... using a steering wheel too?

    Not essential, just wondered. I know the more real world practice I have the better it will be

    I have just recently started learning to drive as well. 6th lesson next week. You'll get the hang of starting off really quickly. For me it just "clicked" after a couple of lessons. Dont know of any games that would help tho. sorry.


      Realistically, I don't think any game is going to help you with the practicality of driving for real. The only exception might be playing a game using manual gears, instead of default automatic. But still, I doubt it will help you at all.

      Driving is something that will comes naturally with time and practise. Don't worry about it after one lesson.


        Yeah I cant imagine any games would help as you need to be aware of all your surroundings and constantly looking in your mirrors etc along with doing several things at once which no game could mimic.

        Good luck though!


          Should of been a bit more clear. Just wondering if there's a game that has anykind of realistic-ish clutch control?


            Are there any realistic pedals available to plug into a console? The best I ever owned was the Steel Battalion pedals. They would have been great for driving games.

            Just stick the real thing while learning to drive. Next car you jump into will feel different anyway but it's something you get used to.


              I can vaguely remember some simulation thing for the PC from a few years back. It wasn't a game though, it was a proper driving aid. Can't remember what it was called though, sorry!

              As I can't remember what the hell it was, I'm going to suggest Burnout to you! That's what your driving test should be like!


                Frog it. Gonna see if I can nab a Hard Drivin' arcade machine off ebay or something... that was hard back in the day... still atr a lot of my money for some reason.


                  I've never come across anything which was remotely similar to driving a car, particularly the clutch as any systems which have a pedal for this never really feel like a clutch, more just an on/off pedal. Being able to feel the biting point without thinking about it is really something that's just going to come from practicing in a real car.

                  Keep at it, it will come quicker than you think although I can appreciate how frustrating it is as I still remember learning to drive. I assume you don't have anyone in the family that can take you out? When my younger brother turned 17 I took him to a deserted Matalan carpark which was just part of a retail park here which was perfect as it had little junctions and roundabouts that weren't in use once the shops were shut. I just took him round and round, constantly stopping and starting and changing gear - to start off with he was stalling and jumping the car all over the place but after a while it started to come together and on the third visit to the carpark I let him drive home (legally).

                  Last edited by JohnMcL7; 25-11-2007, 23:06.


                    Ferrari F355 in the arcades with the 3screen setup! The clutch didnt feel too great on the one I played in skegness in the summer. As john says it was just a on off switch.


                      You cannot emulate clutch control fully in any existing cab - it's all about learning the "bite point" and controlling it.

                      Easiest way (which I'm sure your instructor has been over) is to sit idle in the car (engine running) with your foot depressed on the clutch, no accelerator and release the clutch slowly till you feel the car take up the bite.

                      I'm not being insulting but do you understand what the clutch does and how it works with the driveplates etc ? The first thing my instructor did was explain that to me with a simple picture and it made a hell of a difference.

                      Driving test - that was about half my life ago now - Jesus


                        yeah he explained and I felt the coming together of the discs (?). I guess this thread was born through the frustration, fear and fudgebum I felt after my first lesson, wondering if there's anything out there in the comfortable world of games that I could use in between lessons.

                        I have my second lesson today... so if yers see a snaking car with hicups and hear a crying sound resembling Wario's "waaaaaah"....


                          Those stupid driving games always want you to drive on the right - just remember that's wrong !!!


                            The TRL have a driving simulator. Full car setup. All pedal and gears work and have feedback. Suspension bucks around too. I had a go once. They do alcohol and other drug trials using it.


                              I wonder if you could emulate the feeling of clutch 'bite' with vibration feedback on peddles?

