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About a sold X-Box 360

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    About a sold X-Box 360

    Hello there folks. Wondering if people can help me with this one.

    I sold my 360 this recent weekend gone (I know, I know) for money for my holiday. Now, I cancelled the LIVE subscription and that's all good and well but I did not wipe my profile from the machine. The shop I sold it to has my friend working there who I asked to wipe my profile(s) from the machine for me. My only concern is that can someone commit fraud on you if your card details are still on the machine as that is the way that I paid for my LIVE monthly subscription.

    I remember not being able to erase the details myself once I had entered them previously, so surely that would be the same for anyone using the machine? Also, as I have cancelled the live subriscription it has gone back to a Silver membership, therefore anyone else who doesn't know the name on the card can not use those card details as the name entered wont match the card number (of which only the last 4 numbers are shown on the 360 dashboard section anyway.)

    If anyone could give me a heads up about this and whether I've shot myself in the foot over this I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm going to ring my friend tomorrow and check that he has erased the profiles on the machine. I guess if worst comes to worst I can always claim if fraud does happen on my bank account anyway.

    Phone MS and ask them to remove all CC details from the gamertag and explain that you've passed on the machine.

    A fellow forumite who shall remane nameless (Mardigan) is a specialist in this field after selling his xbox1 without removing account - we played a few games of Halo2 with the kid who bought the console and continued using the account


      Mardigan8 account, rest in peace.


        it might be worth going to and changing your password.

        Couldn't do any harm I guess

