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Kids got no respect these days

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    Kids got no respect these days

    Well, they haven't. The title of my blog was inspired by reading an old copy of Game Informer, which had asked on its forum "Does anyone still play these games?" and shown screenshots of Asteroids and Centipede. The second reply demanded "WTF are those games?". Know your roots, youngsters.

    I've always liked the Kids these days argument, and its sister Back in my day we had to saw our legs off and walk twenty miles thought the snow to get a crust for breakfast. But worryingly, I'm 32 but I've become an old man of gaming. I've aged faster than Solid Snake. I'm rubbish at games now. My 360 profile has half a dozen games with less than five achievements on it; once I was King of the hill being able to finish Super Marioland without losing a life, now I rely on steering into other cars to stay on the track in racing games.

    So here I promise to be extremely biased towards the games up to the Dreamcast, and cynical towards the current generation. I still buy the new games, however. No point having shelves with nothing to put on them, and leaving the games in the wrapper cuts down on wear and tear.

    On the more positive side there are plenty of machines I've never had but plan to get in the near future. Neo Geo home consoles, PC Engine Duo I'm looking your way, so I'll be sticking up first impressions of them too. It won't all be Meldrewesque Moaning.

    Now playing Perfect Dark N64.

    Originally posted by Stroppy View Post
    Now playing Perfect Dark N64.
    That framerate must smart a bit no ?


      New generations never know the significance of the past until they too are old enough to have a past of their own.

