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Mother wants Brain Training! Which one?

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    Mother wants Brain Training! Which one?

    It's scary stuff when your mother, who has never played a game in her life (except Tetris) asks for a game for Christmas. Shame it's only Brain Training, but hey, give it a year and she'll be playing RE5 with the rest of us!

    Anyway, I see there's Brain Training and More Brain Training, common sense says to get the latter... but since Nintendo seems to be promoting both on their bus shelter advertisements, I'm thinking that one actually complements the other, rather than making the prequel redundant.

    So which one should I get her? Seems a bit pointless getting her both tbh.

    Get her the first one, if she loves it and plays it to death get the 2nd for a birthday/mothers day/etc to give her more to play


      Get her brain academy (Fern and Phil's fave!) and the first one.

      Then the sequel for a subsequent gift, as the man above said!


        Always assumed the Brain Academy games were just wannabe cash-ins on the success of Brain Training tbh!


          Nah, it's more visual and bright. Looks kiddy but I personally preferred the style of it. Strange that it's the one they have Fern and Phillip off of This Morning playing on all the ads.

          It gives you a different sort of score, too - it weighs your brain, not gives you an age.

