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    Shopto are my favourite online retailer for games, they have never let me down on delivery release dates.


      Originally posted by spikecast View Post
      haha, not but thankfully I'm an honest person and posted it back. Last thing I want is to get done for fraud!
      It's not fraud if it's their error, besides chances are that their unlawful boss wouldn't have wanted to get the law involved.


        Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
        Thats very very old news John that got overturned. We all had this when Shopto started out on avfourms as alot of us where warey about changing from Gameplay when Game bought em and dug into it deeper but it got overturned hence me taking the punt and trying em after found out You can do a search for companies here if their on it (04468861 is exempt)
        It may well be old news but at the time I found out, he didn't seem to be the laughing stock online that he is now.

        Sorry, to be honest I'm really not following what you're getting at? I'm not sure what you mean by overturned. The law was overturned? The AVF thread was overturned?

        I'm not even sure what you mean when you say that the company is exempt? Is he now allowed to be running a company even though the previous ruling seems to state that he isn't?

        If he's not allowed to own the company, why is he telling customers that he's in charge and listing that he does own the company online?

        Like I said before, I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert at this stuff but as you seem to know so much about these things, I'm certainly happy to learn more from you.


          Well its abit obvious m8 as I wouldnt use a company would I if I didnt check up on em first lol

          We did some checking on Avforums about 2yrs ago now as a few of us where pretty sick of Gameplay and wanted to change (I didnt want to go with Play with what happened with a load of us on 360 release getting let down) so when we heard about shopto and checked up on it and Shopto the owners legally allowed to run as its an exemption from that ruling so their isnt a issue with him owning it and being the director its legal m8 otherwise none of us would have started shopping their simple as that.. People can go back to court and get rulings changed to be allowed, pay debts off etc.. at anytime after the ruling.

          My minds flakey anyway but its when a big game came out 2yrs ago and they got it in early so load of us took the gamble after checking up on em and we have all used em since.

          Theirs a link on that house site and its got the exemptions of it all for each company you do a search for on what the terms are for any company. He was actually pretty open about it on the forum so few of us took a gamble as a one off (I think it was when Crackdown was out) and Ive stuck with em ever since.

          Personally I just wouldnt use a dodgy company and if I get bad service I walk simple as that with any company as I spend so much on games and Ive never had any issues at all. To say Ive had one game go missing with postman in over 106 orders I cant complain put it like that lol.

          Now if you want me personally to kick off about bad service at moment just ask me about Mesh computers and them trying to wrangle their way out of onsite warrenty lol 3 letters given me 3 directions to either send the base back, the card back (GPU died) and then now finally after I contacted editor of PCPRO now waiting on a card to come back instock and their going to finally cave onsite. They wanted to charge me for sending it back as well. Credit card company thinks otherwise What scared me even more than them not wanting to come out for onsite was they wanted me to ship a at the time of release a £400 GPU in any old box and didnt care that I didnt have anti static bag for it. Im suprised how much they have gone downhill as its my second from em and their onsite used to be fantastic but from reading about em its abit scarey now.

          Will give em 4 weeks anyway then get onto credit card company and tell em to sort it under 1970s credit act as their joint responsible.
          Last edited by Guest; 04-03-2009, 23:35.


            I always use ShopTo and will continue do so.
            They get their orders to me well within 24 hours, and with free recorded delivery, so I really can't complain. I don't even look anywhere else nowadays.
            I've had to ring them a couple of times, to ask general questions etc, and thought their Customer Service was great.


              For pre-orders Shopto cant be beaten, always get the games a couple of days prior to official release and prices are generally the cheapest going or not too far off it. Only had one problem with them when a game went missing in the post and a new one was sent out 2 days later.


                Originally posted by bingo83 View Post
                For pre-orders Shopto cant be beaten.
                Really? I might have to start using them again. I haven't really since xmas when the whole Resistance 2 left me feeling cold.


                  ShopTo are great again with Pre-Orders.
                  They seem to be shipping sooner than previously, probably more worried about games not arriving before release date (so they don't have to pay out the £3.)

                  Some things lately have shipped on the Tuesday and arrived the Wednesday.

