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Zelda OoT - Unplayable?

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    All the N64 games look a bit crap on the VC to me as I liked the fogging and the slight blur N64 games had. I always thought it made them look nice and polished or somthing.

    All that seems to be missing from the VC so you realise how much its graphics were actualy lacking.


      Ive not seen the VC versions, but I remember playing this again on the Gamecube, and it looked a great deal better than the original n64 version.

      Playing the old 3D stuff on the N64 nowis pretty bad, especially on PAL. The N64 was always blurry, but looking at it these days makes you wonder how you even put up with it back then.


        I purchased this yesterday and was pretty shocked at how washed out it looked, and the frame rate was bloody terrible. I then ended up playing the cube version just to compare it and it looked and ran much smoother. But to make matters worse a friend of mine then downloaded and showed me the game via a PC emulator and it looked fantastic, whats more it was free I payed a bloody tenner for the VC version. I don't mind paying for retro games but when the game you get runs like **** compared to an illegal version it really pisses me off. I know people will say the VC version is how it was originally but I know which version I'll be playing and where to get my retro fix in the future.


          Originally posted by Fargo View Post
          I purchased this yesterday and was pretty shocked at how washed out it looked, and the frame rate was bloody terrible. I then ended up playing the cube version just to compare it and it looked and ran much smoother. But to make matters worse a friend of mine then downloaded and showed me the game via a PC emulator and it looked fantastic, whats more it was free I payed a bloody tenner for the VC version. I don't mind paying for retro games but when the game you get runs like **** compared to an illegal version it really pisses me off.

          Nintendo take so many of us for mugs. How difficult is it to do a proper or even slightly enhanced, smoother version for the VC and a half decent e-booklet to go with it? Someone on another forum had trouble with SMB3 'cos he didn't know about how to hold a shell (I think) 'cos the booklet didn't tell him.


            Sounds ridiculous, you'd think that Nintendo would work hard to make such a prestigious game look nice.

            Wave Race 64 looks sharp and runs smoothly on my ntsc machine. I think Nintendo put some effort in to make it better. The only thing that looks poor, is the fonts.

            Emulation on a PC makes a lot of N64 look really nice again.


              Originally posted by Leon Ahoy! View Post
              Emulation on a PC makes a lot of N64 look really nice again.
              Yeah, it really is; I was playing through Banjo-Kazooie recently (the original N64 version) and had it hooked up to a 40" LCD via composite , but then I hooked up the laptop with an emulator to the TV and ran it in 1080p It was so sharp, I almost cut myself.

              Last edited by Roddie; 31-01-2008, 18:25.


                After a couple of VC disappointments (sick of pal issues and find neither controller option useful for some games) of late I decided to go back to original hardware. I got my N64 RGB modded and have to say the picture (on my Sony Bravia V series) is amazingly sharp and vibrant. I was genuinely amazed at how good it was as the pic through svhs and composite on an lcd/hd tv is terrible. Not only is the picture better than VC but after playing the likes of Sin & Punishment and Lylat Wars on VC and then playing them with the N64 controller I can play with much more precision and control.

                I loved the idea of VC, still do to some extent, for the tidiness of my Nintendo faves stored away in my Wii, but when it comes to actually playing I much prefer native hardware.

