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Metal Slug XBLA graphics filter

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    Metal Slug XBLA graphics filter

    Couldn't find a thread for this, but I just downloaded Metal Slug from Xbox Live Arcade. The game is so fricking cool (never played one before) but it looks crap. All the pixel art is smushed together like a bad video noise reduction filter and I can't find an option to turn it off. Surely that's not the case?

    Yup, it is the case. Personally, I don't think it looks bad at all, but would still have been nice to have the option to turn it off.


      Wow... no sale, Microsoft.

      There was a Wii release of some Metal Slug games, how was it? I want to get one of these, it just screams "video game" in every way.

      I guess the retro-style music is going to be replaced with a full orchestrated score in the next release
      Last edited by Lyris; 04-01-2008, 15:24.


        Originally posted by Lyris View Post
        There was a Wii release of some Metal Slug games, how was it? I want to get one of these, it just screams "video game" in every way.
        I heard that they screwed the controls up on the US/PAL versions, but are fixing 'em for the upcoming JP version.


          picked up the wii metal-slug collection the other day from asda 22 quid ( 19.80 with discount ) - and it controls bloody great with the gamecube pad..


            I have these game on my mame arcade cab machine.. its just exactly what an arcade game should be.. great fun


              I don't think it looks that bad on 360, but, still, messing with lovely pixel art is a heinous crime!


                It's not that bad but considering I have it on the Xbox and just got Metal Slug Anthology for ?9 on the Ps2 brand new I will not be getting this version.


                  I downloaded the trial last night and while it does lose some pixelly SNK charm with the filter effect it's not actually something I noticed once playing. Good chance I'll buy the full version next batch of points I get ... far better value than the first time I bought the game


                    I prefer the filtered look when using an LCD, but I agree it wouldn't have been that hard for them to include an option to turn it off.

                    I have never been a massive fan of the really scaled up pixel look. I would prefer a scanline filter which is what I have always ued with PC emulation though.


                      if you have an xbox one download FBA XXX Pro V1.26 from xbins i set to 720x480P and super egale filter , all metal slug games look lush on my plasma , almost like there drawn on the screen


                        Ps1 or sega saturn through rgb scart and crt tv , for the win


                          Originally posted by mission View Post
                          Ps1 or sega saturn through rgb scart and crt tv , for the win
                          Or alternately, AES/MVS through native RGB on a CRT FTW and take your pic of 'Slugs


                            True mvs ftw


                              I have metal slug 3 for the original xbox... was rather disappointed to find out that it wouldn't work on my 360 despite it being able for download on XBL, I'm not buying something twice ><

