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Which games NEED to be made BC on the 360?

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    Which games NEED to be made BC on the 360?

    Spurred on by this thread, thought I'd put all the games we NEED to have BC in one thread. I'll try and keep the first post updated.

    (Yes I know there's a download service for old games now, but if you've already bought all the good games, no need to buy them again).

    Note, this isn't for games that would be nice to have BC. It's for games that should be first in line! Feel free to discuss and query other people's choices. Ideally we'd end up with 10 games that everyone agrees has to be first priority.

    So state your case!

    My first choice would have to be Rallisport Challenge 2, an arcade biased rally game that makes you wonder why they don't just make a 3rd one. Whilst the over the top handling model didn't click with some, for me it's the perfect alternative to the host of serious sim racers that I also love. There's rarely any need to brake - just chuck it into the corner sideways/backwards and get going.

    The snow and ice stages have to be seen to be believed. Incredible on the old Xbox hardware and even now stand up well. I think that some people wouldn't even notice it was an old game if they sampled it*

    (*possible exaggeration )

    On today's big screens, it benefits even more. Both in-car and chase-cam views are emminently playable and the online multiplayer was amazing fun. With dozens of tracks to choose from, it needed a bit of work to learn your way around, but that was half the fun. Driving through the English countryside and admiring the leaf strewn road and then driving through a fence - all good stuff!

    I'd like to see Castlevania, I kind of liked that game.


      Maybe not a populist choice but I'd love to for Taito Legends 2 to be playable on the 360. Had a cracking selection of games on there but despite buying it almost 2 years ago still not played it as my Xbox was relegated to the cupboard a month or so earlier.

      I'd also like them to fix the PAL versions of games that don't work properly when the NTSC version is hitch free.(*stares at Panzer Dragoon Orta*).


        Stranger's Wrath.

        That is all.


          Another vote for RSC2, can't believe it wasn't sorted from the off to be honest.


            Originally posted by chosen_one666 View Post
            Stranger's Wrath.

            That is all.
            Yep, that's it.


              Another vote for Rallisport Challenge 2. That game was and still is the business!


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                Yep, that's it.


                  Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post


                    Chalk me down for Stranger's Wrath.


                      Originally posted by chosen_one666 View Post
                      Stranger's Wrath.

                      That is all.
                      Another vote for SW

                      Add also Beyond Good and Evil.
                      Last edited by ItsThere; 10-01-2008, 10:34.


                        Well the only one I cared about was Morrowind, but I can't find a copy of the GOTY edition for love nor money


                          Strangers Wrath.

                          Please? It's been sat here on my shelf in it's wrapping for about a year now.

                          I'd also like for PD: Orta to get past level 3, and both Otogi's would be most welcomed.


                            Largo Winch : Empire under threat


                              Originally posted by C' View Post
                              Maybe not a populist choice but I'd love to for Taito Legends 2 to be playable on the 360.
                              I'd like this as too, plus the first one as well. It would also be nice if all the SNK titles Metal Slug, KOF were too although i doubt they'll do this as they can charge us for them again on the arcade.

