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Backward Compatibililty Quality on Xbox, PS2

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    Backward Compatibililty Quality on Xbox, PS2

    I know the Xbox360 is backwards compatible with the Xbox, but Can anyone let me know the quality of the emulation? (on those games supported) I'm a bit anal with my games, and I will have to hang on to my Xbox even if there are minor frame rate or graphical differences.

    I also really love my original Playstation, and I am thinking of upgrading to a PS2 or PS3. Will the games look and play EXACTLY the same? Please can someone let me know for both the PS2 and PS3.

    Thank you very much. Buzz

    Forza has sound issues. The engine cuts out for no reason.


      I've generally had little to no problems with 360 back compat. Although, JSRF suffered badly from slowdown - to the extent that I ended up playing it on the OG Xbox. Someone else here told me that they had no problem with that particular game.

      What it is worth bearing in mind is the fact that not all games are supported atm and there are rumours that MS are dropping further support. - see post 643.

      If you're that anal and you have the space, keep hold of the OG Xbox.


        marvel vs capcom 2 is glitched to hell. Very poor


          I always thought Jsrf had pretty bad slowdown on the xbox anyway from what I remember.


            The PS2 offecrs perfect emulation of the PSone, upgrade without a thought on that one.

            The 360's sadly is bugged and imperfect so only upgrade on title by title basis.


              Originally posted by Pilotwings View Post
              I always thought Jsrf had pretty bad slowdown on the xbox anyway from what I remember.
              Certainly not by the standards of the 360 emulation! Honestly - I played one after the other and the 360 was unbearable.


                I always here people talking about 1 of the levels of gradius gaiden being messy on the ps2? Cool game for PS collecter!


                  Gutted. JSRF is one of the games I wanted to emulate. Now I'm older I wish I just could have one box under the TV that could play every game I own. Looks like I'll be keeping my old consoles in the meanwhile though. Wish someone could hack together a XCubeStationAmigaSuperFamicomDriveGEO with a universal cartridge slot. I'd pay a grand for it! Dunno what you would do about the different types of control pad though.
                  Thank you to everyone who responded to my query.


                    Originally posted by Wools View Post
                    The PS2 offecrs perfect emulation of the PSone, upgrade without a thought on that one.
                    not quite, the Ps2 (depending on version) handles things slightly differently from the PS1, my girlfriend was trying to work out why FF9 didn't look as good as it should of done and on further inspection the PS2 was doing ugly things to the transparency effects.


                      Originally posted by buzz909 View Post
                      Wish someone could hack together a XCubeStationAmigaSuperFamicomDriveGEO with a universal cartridge slot. I'd pay a grand for it! Dunno what you would do about the different types of control pad though.
                      Have you tried softmodding your OG Xbox? Great use for an old console and the reason I keep it out.

