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Edge PC-Engine Feature Question

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    Edge PC-Engine Feature Question

    This is the retro forum of ntsc-UK.

    The PCE is a neo classic format.

    I understand that the latest issue of Edge has a feature on all things PC Engine.

    Is this exciting news? I think so.

    Is there info on said issue on ntsc-UK?

    Is the issue out on the shelves in London WH Smiths in the UK as I wouldn't know as I live in Tokyo.

    If the issue is out and there is no ntsc-uk thread or info on this subject may I ask why?

    Don't people care about magazines anymore or is it all internet internet internet.

    Do people remember when Edge was good and it did the original PCE feature?

    Will the new PCE feature in Edge be blinding or be written by one of those clueless no nothing Edge monkeys who has an A in GCSE English and is the master on google and ebay research.

    If there is no ntsc-UK info on this subject there will be a dozen on the latest scores Edge have handed out.

    Which is more important-Edge features or scores on games that you have all played 4 weeks before Edge has reviewed or all told each other how good a certain game is already?

    When will people realise that Edge scores don't count and they do it to wind you up and the lack of actual review content is not their clever understated broadsheet style but designed so not to show up their lack of knowledge.

    They totally faffed up the Saturn one imo.

    If ebay, arcade perfect and Circus Lido all are mentioned then I will personally take a picture of the magazine in flames on top of Mount Fuji with a message to those jumped up Edge know nothings, as a gesture.

    Thanks in advance.

    You should really get to learn how to string sentences together to form Paragraphs. Not seen the current Edge as it's not out in Holland at the present moment, just picked up the Mods issue! Will probably see what they have printed nearer the end of the month. Still lets see how much they cut and paste from the the original article and see how many mistakes they make this time. Ah Circus Lido, picked up a new copy of that for ?10, if only I had this many years ago...


      I just had a quick look and it is a reasonable guide through the lifetime of the pc engine, what great insight do you expect really though? I liked the photos of all the different models that came out later and was intrigued by the virtual cushion peripheral.

      Why don't you get hold of a copy of the Edge then comment to us here about the quality of their journalism?


        I'm an Edge subscriber, and not received my issue yet. Its not in the shops either.

        Japjac - chill

        I've just got hold of a cd-rom2, so I look forward to the pc engine article.


          The magazine is out, I bought it last Friday.

          I thought the article was ok, not great but not crap.

          The various machines timeline was quite helpful to me but the games could have done with a bigger feature. They basically got some PCE collector to do most of it for them.

          In saying that, no doubt the games they listed as being the most collectable will soon pop up for silly money on ebay.


            i bought it today, the feature was enjoyable for someone who knows nothing about the pc engine like me, kinda got me interested but dont have the cash to act on it atm anyway


              MD-Holland? LOL. Unlucky-you clearly don't feature. I'm English mate and in my own language I can write in whatever way I choose, you get me.

              Anyway, thank you to the rest of you for the info. I apologise if my post seemed bitter it's just that Edge and the UK scene still annoy me even 6k miles away.

              I look forward to finally seeing this issue and I will report back as suggested.

              Thanks again.


                Originally posted by JAPJAC
                MD-Holland? LOL. Unlucky-you clearly don't feature. I'm English mate and in my own language I can write in whatever way I choose, you get me.
                Funnily enough I'm English too, I just work here in Holland. Maybe you should check your facts first. In a few weeks it will change to Finland. However still working out what some of your ramblings above meant, and what you were were trying to say... Helps if you put things together rather then shouting things on seperate lines.

                Back to the topic, Most of the features that Edge have done have been pretty bad in one way or another and I can't see the PC Engine one being any better, still if they mention the PC-HD863G or the Sharp X1 Twin then I will be slightly more impressed. Same with their choice of games, they will probably mention the same old games as they did back in issue 4. They will probably mention 'hardcore' gaming and go through the standard PC Engine games, failing to mention games like Galaxy Fruelien Yuna, Princess Minerva, Tengei Makyu and Tokimeki Memorial for example, all games that first appeared on the PC Engine (and one of the reasons I own an PC Engine Duo R).


                  The PC Engine feature is great. Basically where they meant to feature games, they just did a load of pictures of themselves posing about like a load of ****ing Gary Oldman wannabe's and tried to pass it off as a "feature" to all 4 of its readers.

                  Oh ****, no that was JAPJAC's great Tokyo arcade feature.

                  My mistake.

                  Hey JAPJAC, if you're so bothered about it, why don't you ask on your great board? I suppose that wouldn't let you put this site and its readers down, but hey at least we wouldn't have to listen to you and the awful **** that comes from your fingers every single ****ing time you touch a keyboard.


                    Blimey . Considering forums tend to be arrogant places anyway, it takes some skill to start a topic with arguably the most arrogant post EVER!

                    Congrats, you must be very proud .


                      and the saturn feature was 'stuffed up' why?


                        Originally posted by JAPJAC
                        If ebay, arcade perfect and Circus Lido all are mentioned then I will personally take a picture of the magazine in flames on top of Mount Fuji with a message to those jumped up Edge know nothings, as a gesture.
                        err, yeeees...

                        Because, as we all know, ignoring the info about current ebay value is the best way to inform someone looking to get into PC Engine stuff.

                        I'm surprised the let you on the plane; the sack of potatoes on your shoulder would have exceeded the weight limit.


                          I dont see any reason why this thread should be allowed to continue.

