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Help me choose a game - 360

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    Help me choose a game - 360

    Following the stunning compo win I'm mulling over which title to pick up

    Only want a 360 title

    Army of Two
    Looks interesting, reviews not glowing, too similar to Gears?

    Button mash or sublime masterpeice that fixes the previous difficulty curve?

    Burnout Paradise
    Varied enough gameplay? Online community feel? Better getting PGR4?

    Alan Wake
    Is this still coming at the end of March/start of April?

    Rainbow Six: Vegas 2
    Didn't play the original, on the rails or true open combat with planning? Online equal to COD4?


    If Alan Wake was coming out this spring they'd be hyping it up by now. I don't think we'll see it before late Autumn at least.

    Personally I'd go with Vegas 2. The story mode in the original was superb and the developers are promising that 2 will have larger, more open areas with multiple entry points so as to accomodate the improved co-op mode. Even the original left a lot up to the player though TBH. The online mode in Vegas is great too but comparing it to CoD4 would miss the point. CoD is very fast and 'deathmatchy' whereas Vegas is slower and more tactical, and most of its modes are team-based games.

    Army of Two does sound interesting but I'm still not convinced after the trouble its been through - I think I'll wait until more reviews appear or maybe even give it a rental before committing to buy it.


      DMC4 a better difficulty curve than the last one and HD lovliness with some brilliant bosses and combo menchanics. I have already put 44 hours into this one! :O


        DMC4 is just like the older versions, only better looking. It's had a mixed response, I think most gamers know what to expect, and whether they'll like the type of game it is.

        Burnout Paradise isn't the type of racing game I like. I'd have preferred it if Criterion had stuck to the old formula.

        Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is for people who like a bit of strategy, instead of run-n-gun. Most gamers know what to expect; a better version of what's gone before.

        Army Of Two is said to be fantastic. With a fast pace, new gameplay features that really work, and lots of action, it's receiving positive comments.

        Alan Wake won't be appearing for a while.


          Right, I've decided.

          GTA IV is going to take ALL my gaming time from end of April onwards so I only have about 7 weeks to fill before then.

          I'm still hooked on COD4 and wanted something a little different that wouldn't absolute rape me time wise. For that reason I've dropped PGR4 and Burnout for now, will pick up on bargain later or just wait for PGR5 etc.

          Rainbow 6 is a hot contender but will I get enough out of it in the timeframe? Again I think I'll leave this one until a little later.

          I'm still on the fence with DMC4, I'm not keen on getting too hooked on boss battles ala Capcom Special. As much as I enjoyed Lost Planet I've never gone back to it, I feel I'd be the same with DMC4, bargain bin later int he year perhaps?

          Alan Wake would have been ideal, single player with a definate start, middle and end.

          That leave Army of Two. Sounds short enough to blast through with some dynamics a little out of the ordinary. Picking this up tomorrow from G-Force in Glasgow on my way home. If this doesn't deliver for me then I'll go pick up Vegas 1 until vegas 2 comes out.

          Cheers for the input.

          The preview of Mirror's Edge in Games TM looks exciting, any confirmed dates for this? In contrast Alone in the Dark looks to miss the opportunity it had, the preview states it is missing content and AI. Hello! What have the developers been working on? Doesn't sound encouraging.


            Army of two is great m8 and be even better when I start on co-op
            Id go for that and Vegas 2

            DMC4 is fantastic but takes loads to get into for combos. For me one of top games of the year but it is "niche"

            Paradise I thought good at first for 7-10hours then it got old VERY fast. Prefer last one and for me a massive step back. Contrast PGR4 I cant stop playing (done 20hours last few nights) as finally up to spending time on it again since xmas. For me nearly as good as MSR and 2nd best of series. Little easy on career but arcade for plats will take me months.

            Alan Wake - forget it grow a beard for 6months as it wont be out till then

