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DOA 4 or DOA xtreme?

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    DOA 4 or DOA xtreme?

    If I wanted to buy one of them which on would you recommend? Im unsure but would like a fighting game as lack one on the Xbox at the moment and they are good to play when your having a few bevvies before hitting the town.


    Get DOA4, DOAX is just vollyball and sub waverace antics


      Don't touch DOA X with a barge pole


        Kk cheers guys ! <3


          I didn't like DOA4. The ai was just nasty. As for DOAX its alright for a tenner.


            Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
            Don't touch DOA X with a barge pole
            Don't listen to him!

            I think DOA X is really underrated and I actually really enjoyed it.


              Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
              I didn't like DOA4. The ai was just nasty. As for DOAX its alright for a tenner.
              Sure, but why would you want a fighting game to play against the CPU anyway? I say get DOA4, it was one of the first games I got for the 360 and I still play it every week, always good for a few laughs.


                Originally posted by Sane View Post
                Sure, but why would you want a fighting game to play against the CPU anyway? I say get DOA4, it was one of the first games I got for the 360 and I still play it every week, always good for a few laughs.
                Well practice for one thing and rediculous story. It hasn't changed much at all since DOA2 and i still think thats the best one.

                TBH, if Onii didn't have to have a doa game he should get VF5 instead.


                  Virtual Fighter 5 you say? hmm


                    Best online, fantastic single player and customisations options. Its also the best looking 3d fighter around. You can probably pick it up for &#163;20 new.


                      Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                      Best online, fantastic single player and customisations options. Its also the best looking 3d fighter around. You can probably pick it up for ?20 new.
                      This I fully agree with .


                        Originally posted by chopemon View Post
                        Don't listen to him!

                        I think DOA X is really underrated and I actually really enjoyed it.
                        Me too.

                        It's a totally different game, and nothing to do with fighting. And it's a bit crap, really - it's fun more because it makes you think of how good it could be, rather than fun because it's particularly good. Oh, and if you find anyone with 1000/1000 gamerpoints on DOA:XBV 2 you should kill them immediately, for the good of the species. At the same time, there's nothing else quite like it and it always upsets me just a tiny, tiny bit to see people dismissing it out of hand as "that game with the tits". I'd kill for a game that just let me wander round a tropical island, play minigames, dress up, maybe a bit of story... something with major production values that didn't resort to "hur hur hur boobs" inside a couple of hours' play.

                        But failing that, DOA Extreme will have to do.

