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E3: Nintendo to announce "big game" for release in time for Christmas '08

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    God Help Pal territories should it be Animal Crossing


      F-Zero, Pilot Wings, Star Fox (back to the old classic style of play) or a damn good new Donkey Kong Game!

      Any of those and I will be happy

      Appealing to Hardcore and casual though Ill put my bets on D.K!


        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
        It's clearly going to be Wii Sports 2, but is it really that much of a shock that Nintendo have got a big game planned? Mario Kart is the only major title left for them this year isn't it, and that's out soon?

        They really know how to work the hype machine at Nintendo.

        OMG, WHAT IF IT'S MOTHER 4?!
        To be fair, what Reggie said was they've got a really good second half of 2008 planned but one game in particular will be exciting for all. Everyone just seems to have picked up on the "big game coming" part of it and focused on that.

        I'd be very surprised if it was Wii Sports 2 after Iwata said they wouldn't take the easy route and simply cash-in with a sequel that has seven sports instead of five. That would make him look pretty stupid.


          I'd expect at least 2 major surprise announcements at the summer game shows. Animal Crossing is known to be happening, as is Kirby.

          I'm expecting those games to get a showing, at least one balance board first party title and one 'unexpected' franchise. Possibly a Kid Ikarus title (I doubt this although it wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo consider making one after the buzz pitt got in SSBB) but I'd bet Nintendo will be trying to give Zelda a re-invention. The creator said he felt the franchise needed freshening up.


            The Wii does need something, I hear it has a desperately low application rate (how many games Wii owners are buying) something like 2.7 and I imagine 1.0 of that is Wii Sports. Unless this new game turns out to be Pilotwings or Pikmin then for me the only reason to even have a Wii is for Super Mario Galaxy (not counting the VC).

            Little Big Planet and Gran Turismo 5 will probably flood the world with PS3s come xmas anyway, then the Wii will become a distant memory, but whatever, I lost interest when the Dreamcast died anyway...

            Speaking of which, a new Wii-Exclusive Jet Set Radio anyone?
            Last edited by 12-51-00; 19-03-2008, 00:49.


              Pilot Wings Wii pls

