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The state of football games

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    The state of football games

    I've always enjoyed football games. Over the years I've bought nearly everything going - except the truly dire bargain bin rubbish....

    Way back in the early 90s - I played Kick Off 2 & Sensible Soccer on the Amiga. They were fast paced games - that required quick reflexes, and gave me an adrenaline rush.

    ISS came along for the SNES - and I found football heaven. The visuals, sound, overall playability - everything was fantastic. Even my football hating friends liked playing it.

    A few years later... the ISS Pro Evo games became the football games to play; though ISS64 was good too.

    Then I moved on to the PS2 - and the PES series went from strength to strength. I really enjoyed PES4-5.

    Since then... I've stopped playing football games. I simply hate the feel of FIFA games - and the new slower PES6-2008 titles, just don't feel right.

    What is the future for me as a football loving gamer? .... I don't think FIFA will appeal to me anytime soon - and it looks like Konami have lost the plot with PES.

    Will PES once again be great, or will something else come along that is fast paced, requires quick thinking, and gives me an adrenaline rush?

    I had big dreams and hopes for this generation of football games. I feel very depressed about it.

    After all the stick Konami got for PES 2008, they better deliver next time round. They should go back to back to the drawing board and rebuild the game from the ground up rather than give us an update of the PS2 iterations.


      I agree with you 100% mate. Football games have taken a sudden decline this generation especially the PES games. PES4 was my favourite one in the series and I don't think the others have been as good since. PES6 was decent enough but PES2008 was disappointing. To be fair offline was still decent but online is totally broken and unplayable. FIFA has improved gradually and the recent Euro 2008 game plays a decent game of football but there is still room for improvement. I would really love for a top PES game on this generation of consoles, one that plays well offline and online. Hopefully Konami take their collective fingers out of their bums and make PES2009 (or PES8) a good game. *prays to the gaming Gods*


        Originally posted by Kongster View Post
        After all the stick Konami got for PES 2008, they better deliver next time round. They should go back to back to the drawing board and rebuild the game from the ground up rather than give us an update of the PS2 iterations.
        I get the impression - from looking at the charts over the past 6months, that PES2008 has sold pretty well. I'm not sure?

        Konami do need to sort out all the problems: glitches, slowdown, slow pace of the game, laggy online mode, weak visuals etc...

        Why is PES so poor on this generation? ... With the success the series has had this decade - you'd have thought that Konami would have put their best people in charge of the game.

        Instead they seem to have put the game in the hands of very incompetent people. The resulting games have been far too underwhelming - and full of glitches.

        As much as a lot of people like FIFA - and I read a lot of ex-pes fans saying they've switched, I still don't like the feel of FIFA, and the way it plays.

        I'm at a point now - where I'm hoping that something new and fresh will appear, that totally destroys PES & FIFA. I want a football revolution- because I have no faith in EA & Konami's ability to deliver a football game that will satisfy me.


          Maybe the Seabass and his team were overworked with having to develop the game on various formats? Even so it doesn't excuse the fact that the game was clearly unfinished (on PS3 and 360 at least) and should have never been released in that state.

          If it did sell well then that's criminal. Maybe Konami became complacent, and hopefully the backlash they got over PES 2008 will give 'em a kick up the backside.
          Last edited by Kongster; 02-05-2008, 04:14.


            Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
            I would really love for a top PES game on this generation of consoles, one that plays well offline and online. Hopefully Konami take their collective fingers out of their bums and make PES2009 (or PES8) a good game. *prays to the gaming Gods*
            We can only keep our fingers crossed. Konami built a reputation for excellence with PES - but have really let down fans over the past couple of years. Even if someone likes the game - the online side of things is appalling.

            I hope that PES2009 is a pleasant surprise.

            Originally posted by Kongster View Post
            Maybe the Seabass and his team were overworked with having to develop the game on various formats? Even so it doesn't excuse the fact that the game was clearly unfinished (on PS3 and 360 at least) and should have never been released in that state.

            If it did sell then that's criminal. Maybe Konami became complacent, and hopefully the backlash they got over PES 2008 will give 'em a kick up the backside.
            Overworked, or not, I don't think Konami could make a good excuse. There can't be any - because Konami have been making PES for ages, and have got it right many times.

            I used to play PES4-5 online - and really enjoyed them. I always thought the visuals were too basic and grainy - but the gameplay shone.

            Now.. we have worse gameplay, worse online performance, and visuals that aren't good enough for this generation.

            Konami need to get it right this year - because FIFA has gained momentum, and is seen clearly as the better game by a lot of people now.

            Seeing that I don't enjoy FIFA - I really hope PES2009 is great.
            Last edited by Leon Retro; 02-05-2008, 02:00.


              No mention of UEFA 2008 from anyway. I know a few of you have said "I don't like FIFA", but have you tried it? I only played the demo but it seemed the best of the current bunch by a way


                The worst one was when "Seabass" quoted that the reason why no 2v2 online on any format for pro/2008 was because he wanted the 1v1 online to play as slick as it does offline.

                I still can't get over that one. What a lie and what a farce that comment was! He totally cheated his fans and stabbed us in the back.

                Also whats the deal with the ps2 always getting the good features like the online community chat and lobbys, comps etc. Ahh no Seabass we don't want to be jealous of other old platforms online modes thankyou.
                Last edited by Pilotwings; 02-05-2008, 07:01.


                  Just get J-League Winning Eleven 10.


                    Leon my old son - have you actually tried FIFA on the next gen formats? I have been a Konami man since back in the day, but FIFA this year is superb.

                    I am sure Konami will get it right next time. You can't tell me that this Seabass twat hasn't heeded all of the criticisms that have surely come his way over the way online play has scored a massive own goal this incarnation around.


                      It has become obvious over the years that at any time anyone could make a perfect football game. A perfect one. They won't though as they won't need to release another one with "improvements" next year.


                        In my opinion FIFA and Euro are great for single player. You can get lost in all the official stuff and umpteen modes. I like that. It plays pretty well too. I just prefer the swiftness of control in PES series.

                        However, when it comes to multiplayer, nothing beats any version of PES post version 4... even the broken ones.

                        But yeah... let's hold hands and prey for the Seabass true delivery of greatness and honour that we are owed...
                        Last edited by hudson; 02-05-2008, 13:00.


                          Originally posted by SharkSkin-Man View Post
                          Just get J-League Winning Eleven 10.
                          Thread won.

                          Add a bit of Football Kingdom in there for arcadey fun and you're all set!


                            PES2008 might have sold well, because all the fans rushed out to buy it on release.

                            I won't be doing the same with PES2009.


                              Originally posted by Superfamifreak View Post
                              Thread won.
                              No. You obviously forgot about Microprose Soccer Andy.
                              Kept you waiting, huh?

