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Earthbound coming to VC?

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    Earthbound coming to VC?

    Just got it's esrb rating, we know this doesn't always mean we're definately get it but it's got to be a good sign!

    It also topped the nintendo power most requested VC titles as well.... Fingers crossed!

    It'll be US only mind


      I'll definitely pick it up, though I do have the cartridge and the GBA version


        Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
        It'll be US only mind
        European VC does gets imports, and it is clear that game will hit here now that copyright problems have been solved.


          I long for this to be true, I pretty much bought my Wii for it. But Nintendo seems to try as hard as possible to piss off Mother fans so I'm less than hopeful


            Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
            I long for this to be true, I pretty much bought my Wii for it. But Nintendo seems to try as hard as possible to piss off Mother fans so I'm less than hopeful
            This has more to do with Mother's developer than Nintendo. EB features certain samples that were directly ripped off from popular pop/rock songs, and thanks to that, game has been in legal limbo for more than few years. This is also reason why game was removed from Brawl's Masterpieces, and one of the game's EB songs was replaced with another one during development. Now Nintendo has gone so far as replaced offending songs, which isn't really that easy feat to do in SNES rom file.
            Last edited by elkatas; 03-05-2008, 04:50.


              What are the songs they've replaced?


                Originally posted by stainboy View Post
                What are the songs they've replaced?
                No idea, as I haven't played Earthbound ever.


                  It was the opening three notes of les mareseilles but like the beatles song. I think anyway
                  Typical this is going to drop just when my wii goes on the blink


                    This months EDGE claims Earthbound is getting an EU VC release, though I've not seen this news anywhere else.

                    I'd assume it's bogus, but EDGE is a pretty reputable source, no?


                      I rember reading this in a Nintendo Mag afaw days ago i will check when i get in tonight and update on this


                        Looks like we won't be getting this after all


                 Never heard of them.
                          I'm sure they said the same about Super Mario RPG too

                          Kotaku will report just about anything these days...


                   is a Mother/Earthbound fansite. They've been quite fanatical about geting Earthbound oto the VC so I'm inclined to believe what they have to say about this.


                              Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                     Never heard of them.
                              I'm sure they said the same about Super Mario RPG too

                              Kotaku will report just about anything these days...
                              They're pretty big for a fan site - they got over 30,000 signatures on a Mother 3 petition, then when it didn't get a release, they translated the damn thing themselves.

