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anyone else hate tutorials ?

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    anyone else hate tutorials ?

    PC games are probably the worse but i have found my self getting annoyed by just how long winded they are now

    Just wish they would skip the rubbish and just get straight to the point

    Lol just fired up splinter cell double agent and hadnt played in a while so thought i would try the tutorial out....think i am getting less patient now

    Depends on the game and whether the tutorial is skipable or not. I'd have been lost without the superb, instantly available and comprehenive tutorials you can access throughout GC Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. The Tomb Raiders with the optional free roaming Manor House are good examples too of how to do a tutorial and make it entertaining. But I really do hate it when games force you to go through patronisingly simple stuff as part of the first level. .


      Every game should be like Gears of War and let you opt out of the tutorial. Imagine how many precious hours of your life have been wasted being patronised with instructions on basic game mechanics


        Game mechanics should be straight forward enough to not require tutorials.

        If a tutorial is required it should be seamlessly integrated like the tutorial in Halo.


          Im with MattyD here the option to stay away from the mind numbing tutorial is a must. Its a real pain in the arse to wait for a game to load up and then be confronted with: look up look down turn right turn left, press a, etc... I swear I have not bothered to play some games due to the waste of time tutorial shhh!

          If I need it I'll ask! I put all my inferior gaming skill down to lack of knowledge, with a compulsory tutorial I have no excuse ffs!


            Depends. Simple control tutorials yes, they are pointless and irritating. Tutorials for complex SRPG's and such then i don't really have a problem with them.

            Some games really really do need them tho, for example stuff like the original Final Fantasy Tactics or Yggdra Union, which when you first start can be mind meltingly complex ............. for me at least.


              I think these days where *most* games are getting less simple to play tutorials are a good thing in my books.

              I mean, i've been playing games for a good while now but im only 22 and im finding more and more games to be a right head f*ck to play. So can do with all the help I can get lol. Don't even bother telling me to read the manuals, I would if they were any good/ in english.


                If I have to reach for a manual, I consider a game to have failed in telling me how to play it. So I like tutorials. I'd prefer if they were self-contained skippable sections though and actually gameplay rather than just listening or reading text.


                  There's the odd tutorial that I really enjoy. The tutorial when you get the gravity gun in Half-Life 2 is awesome. One of the most memorable moments in the game I reckon.

                  The worst tutorials are those that confine you to performing the actions you're being tought. Usually in some sort of virtual reality training room, with painfully slow dialogue and expanses of silence to boot.

                  I'm playing 'Call of Cthulhu' at the minute and that only half tells you what you're meant to do. Stuff like: 'To sneak, press the sneak button'.



                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                    If I have to reach for a manual, I consider a game to have failed in telling me how to play it. So I like tutorials. I'd prefer if they were self-contained skippable sections though and actually gameplay rather than just listening or reading text.

                    I agree totally, every manual I own is unread, if you need to look in them the game has failed to teach you how to play it.

                    only manual i ever really read is the new Pro Evo one as they've never put a proper training bit in the game that explains all the subtlelties of the game properly (in fact you usually need to fork out for a game guide for that in full)


                      Pain on PS3 had the worst one, as you couldn't bypass it, and if you came out of it before finishing, you had to start again from the beginning! Would it have been that hard to have installed a little auto-save feature after each part of the tutorial?


                        yup, Pain was awful, quite fiddly and I found it quite unclear what I was meant to be doing half the time.

                        in general nobody does a tutorial better than Nintendo.


                          i like the tutorial more so the FF ones as they help you get started on the game


                            Hate them with a passion. Up there with unskippable cut scenes and save points you have to play 12 days worth inbetween.


                              yeah i hate them type of save points

