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Sin & Punishment

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    Sin & Punishment

    I have just got hold of this (thanks to Tokuda) and wanted to spark up some discussion on it here.

    Have any S&P masters here got any tips to get me started, or strats or anything?

    I started the game with 11 credits... which I assume is because the game was second hand? Surely you arent supposed to start with that many?

    Anyhow, since all of the game menus are in Japanese it is quite hard to navigate, but there is an excellent FAQ over at Gamefaqs (look for AstroBlue's one) to help out.

    been a while since i played this now but it is fab.

    quick tip, play it on easy mode 1st. not knowing much japanese i started it on hard adn foudn it tough, once i switched to easy i managed to complete.

    If you can't figure out which option is easy drop in a reply and i will put in the game and try to explain which one it is


      I can use the FAQ I described above to change the difficulty, but I am not sure which is easy and which is hard.

      What are the differences in the modes? Do you just get less life or something? If I could tell the difference it would be easy to see which mode I am in .


        the only difference i saw really is that the enemies were easier to kill, there is no distinct difference just easier in general.

        It is one of the options on the right hand side i think and it is one of the top two.

        I will put the game on tonight and confirm for you.

        Wait till you get to the level with the aeroplanes


          It is ok - I know where the difficulty option is ( the top FAQ there explains everything.

          The problem I have is that I dont know if the Japanese text there is saying "normal" or "easy" .

          Oh and since I started with so many credits when I played, I did see the aeroplane level - it was amazing. It was the first time I have ever swayed my head and arms around while playing - it really felt like you were flying upside down!

          Do you use the lock on fire technique much? I have tried to use it as little as possible, since it is so much weaker, but are there times when I should be using it?

          Am I right in thinking you are invisinsible during a roll? I often dodge attacks by just rolling right through them.

          Is jumping a decent evasive move for bosses? I have found it is just inferior to the roll (for the above reason) in just about every way.

          Despite having all those credits I died on a section which scrolls horizontally as you run across... felt very strange and didnt know what I was doing and kept dying . I have no idea how close to the end I was, but I want to try and aim for some good scores anyhow!


            There are major differences between easy and hard levles. More enemies and there are even sequences that are not in easy mode for a start. It is a great, great game. Enjoy!


              This game is a bit like nights as wel,in the fact that you are trying to get better and better scores and trying to kill every single enemy you come across.The answer to your earlier question about the continues is YES,you are meant to get that many to start off with but if you lose all your lifes ,your score will reset,thus trying to make you get a better score again.


                What do I need to play this game on a PAL N64?

                Does anyone know a place where I can get S&P? I don't have a PayPal account.


                  There is one currently for sale in the Items for sale folder for ?40 (Mr Ono I believe) or you can get one for ?35 from Tokuda.

                  You need a Passport Plus II adapter to play it on a PAL machine, please refer to the FAQ I posted a link to above for more information.


                    S&P is so superior to Orta and Rez it just aint funny.

                    One of the greatest action games of all time.

