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dragon drive, who's played it

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    JibberX has the game and is reviewing it, I'll give him a shout so he is aware of this thread.


      His impressions are not good from what I can tell. I played this briefly for a while before I passed it onto him for coverage, and it struck me as being decidedly average, and graphically it seemed particularly weak. Im not judging it on 30 mins play, but it hardly moved me at all.


        I am aware of this thread, initial impressions are indeed not favourable.


          Originally posted by Strider
          Did you not read my original post?

          This game is pure dross and not a patch on Treasure's usual efforts
          Nope, I read it and just hoped that some other people might actually say its quite good and you were harsh or whatever. TBH I like the sound of this game and the fact its by Treasure is a bonus, I was expecting it to be good.

          But by judging what Marcus and JibberX have said though makes me feel that your initial summary was spot on.


            I'd give you more impressions, but I dont have any right now, I spent the weekend redecorating my living room, man thats exciting.

            Certainly the FMV is not rubbish though.


              I watched the episode, which is on another disc, on the GameCube, you can pause it, woo, and it seriously messed with my head.

              More as I play it.


                Graphics..I don't see any of this pop-up or blury textures (but lets be serious here, what the hell ISN'T blury on the Gamecube?).
                Guys i think what he is talking about is the Mario,Zelda Heat wave effect which makes everything in the back ground look blury also he maybe talking about the fact that alot of cube titles suffer from textures which wouldn't look out of place on the N64.

                Can anyone tell me why Nintendo decided to put this Craapy bluring effect on it's games and totaly ruin some of the graphics?

                This really pissed me off in Zelda and you can see how the graphics SHOULD look when you look at the back grounds or surrounding enviroments through the tele-scope.

