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Star Wars Galaxies?!?!?

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    Star Wars Galaxies?!?!?

    Just a quick post as its late.

    Who imported it to play?
    What you think?

    Mine should come Friday anyone wanna meet and train togeather have a laugh?



    Some people who are playing EVE atm played this and frankly from the sounds of it SWG is in a right state. Maybe perhaps worth a play in 2 or 3 months once they've sorted out a few of the bugs.


      I got it, a_c_saunders is right it is in a pretty bad state IMO. They do get round to fixing things, like today for instance there was a massive patch rolled out which has new features for the game untop of bug fixes. I was looking forward to the combat, but it got repetative real quick and I'm not even out of my begginer proffesion yet so it's only gonna get worse

      The game will get alot better over the next couple of months, so I'm keeping my account active.


        Yeah, it seems to be the general consensus that given another few months of patching and the inevitable expansions ( space combat, vehicles, etc ) this could be an enjoyable romp, but as it stands people have moaned about unbalanced classes and the lack of any ongoing 'plot' concerning the Rebellion and the Empire ( sounds like people are paying to beta-test it, to be brutally honest ).

        I was as dissapointed as anyone, but if you're a huge Star Wars fan I'm sure you'll find enjoyment here ( there are some who are pretty adamant in defending it ), as it stands I'd personally wait for the issues to be straightened out before slapping down the cash.


          I already slapped cash might not active my account till it gets better..

          Seems they concentrating on thius ****e space add-on for more money before they even stepped thru the door of just SWG....

          its not out in other counties yet and if its as bad as u explain then they gonna need to sort alot of things out


            I've been playing it for a couple of weeks now and am finding it pretty engrossing. There are certainly a lot of bugs to be fixed and many of them should've been sorted out in the bug testing stage. The combat's ok, though nothing really to write home about. I guess the appeal is in the exploration. I was in a group heading to Jabba's palace and we stumbled across Lar's farm which was destroyed in Episode IV. The scale of the game is huge - I've stuck to Tatooine so far and find new details and places every day.

            They're launched the first of their monthly storylines, Cries of Alderaan. I'm not sure exactly what's involved yet, but it sounds quite interesting.

            I've got another fortnight or so of my free month's subscription, but I'll probably be renewing it.


              Tried it....hated it.

              Bugged to all hell, the locals were no help at all...the tutorial was even less help.

              Dont get me wrong here, im not an idiot, I managed to figure out most of the stuff in EVE Online on my own, but this game was fairly inacessible to me. I have cancelled my account about 20 hours into my free month.

              I may play it again when its finished beta . I thought EVE online was flaky until I played this.


                The levelling system is vomit.

                That's my overwhelming impression of the game - Above anything else: The levelling system is vomit.

                In many areas, they've tried so hard to be 'different' that they've rendered the game unplayable.


                  Anyone else care to share their thoughts?

                  The online community is so poorly implemented I cannot garner an overall opinion.


                    I'm happy to act as a 3rd party translator cos I hain't played it but a mate has and his opinion was very similar to those given above, he's cancelled for now & gone back to Anarchy Online.

                    Asheron's Call 2 lost a lot of people (probably enough to kill it off I reckon) cos of constant re-balancing meaning some horrendous nerfs and the game being seen as an ongoing beta. SWG will no doubt be saved by the brand and the financial cushion EQ / EQ2 will provide, but companies have really got to stop pissing people off by publishing before a game's ready.



                      It still amazes me that people will subscribe to games like SW: Galaxies in the thousands despite glaring issues though, and I'm not talking about people who signed up then said 'ugh, this is rough' and quit, but those who keep going 'no,'s good, really'.

                      Reminds me of the attitude taken by a Sony exec when he was questioned on the lack of originality in their games ( as one board member posted ) and just replied 'people will buy the recycled content, why should we generate new ideas?', seems that the Devs of MMORPGs will take the same line as long as there are countless lemmings willing to pay whilst they beta-test the latest product.


                        meh, thought so.

                        Any planetside players here? heh.

