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Puzzle Games for the DS

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    Puzzle Games for the DS

    I am looking to buy some puzzle games for my DS but i don't know what ones to buy can anyone help

    thank you




      puzzle league/panel de pon.

      and tetris.


        there are just so many games out there i only would like to great the good to grwat ones as there is i guess alot of bad ones out there


          picross DS all the way dude. it has terrible music though. i have spent many, MANY hours listening to the smiths and playing this game, there's a fantastic amount of puzzles, and you can download more. works VERY well with the touch screen, aside from a few niggles shifting the screen around with the bigger puzzles. definitely one of the finer puzzle games out there, and cheap by now, i'd imagine.


            Depends if you want a puzzle puzzle game or a skill orientated puzzle game.

            By that I mean Tetris is called a puzzle game, but it isn't really, it's a test of skill like Bust A Move... you aren't really solving anything. Puzzle puzzle games, well, self explanatory really. If that makes sense? Heh, it's how I break them up.

            Listed in order of preference:
            Puzzle Puzzle:
            Picross DS
            That link goes to a post on another gaming board I started, but it'll tell you about the game. 100's of puzzles, a cracking online mode and a budget price. Illust and Colorful Logic is brilliant too, more puzzles, colour puzzles and some game themed. Japan only and can be intimidating if you've never played Picross before. I'd start with Picross DS and progress to Illust.

            Puzzle Series 5: Slitherlink.
            Japan only, but very easy to navigate. CLICK ME for a simple, online version. Eurogamer review

            The GBA game is better and cheaper (more puzzles, can be played one handed), but both are brilliant.

            Pic Pic
            3 games in one. The weakest is a draw a line through a maze thing. The best, drawing, is amazing. A cross between Picross and Slitherlink. Available cheaply in the UK too.

            Strangely engrossing. Crosswords, word search and anagrams. Thousands of puzzles.

            Puzzle Series 12: Akari
            Strange and fairly simple light turning on game.

            Skill Puzzle:
            Pokemon Trozei.
            Zoo Keeper.
            Mr Driller- UK or Japan only, as the US game bizarrely omits the RPG item mode thingy.

            Tetris did my head in, way OTT on the Nintendo themed stuff. That Salad game really frustrated me and I didn't get on with it.


              Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
              picross DS all the way dude.
              I don't really get the Picross DS love. I got as far as when it introduced try it out mode and implied that you couldn't actually solve the puzzles with logic anymore, you had to guess, and stopped. Guessing is not really what I'm looking for in a logic puzzle.


                you never have to guess except sometimes in the extra hard mode with no clue, or whatever, i can't really remember, haven't played it for a while. then again i only played the jap version, maybe they dumbed it down for the yanks and then fobbed it off on us.


                  Try a game called Neves. I love it and it's probably one of my favourite DS games ever. It's a puzzle game with seven different shapes of block and the idea is to twist, rotate, or spin them so that they'll fit into a bigger shape. There are hundreds of puzzles (about 750 iirc) and multiple game modes. It's a really excellent game that - unfortunately - nobody knows about


                    Originally posted by bowser123 View Post
                    Puzzle Series 5: Slitherlink.
                    Japan only, but very easy to navigate. CLICK ME for a simple, online version. Eurogamer review
                    From the same series, Nurikabe and Akari are both excellent too. Nurikabe in particular (better than Slitherlink, for my money). Akari puzzles can be done very quickly once you get the hang of them, so it's good for a quick few minutes' play.

                    Anybody tried the Brain Buster pack from 505 Games? That's got a load of different logic puzzles in it, so might be worth a look.

                    I don't know if it's out over here, but Honeycomb Beat isn't bad too. Like Polarium, the real time mode is rubbish, but puzzle mode is quite good.
                    Last edited by JamesS; 01-06-2008, 10:47. Reason: Remembered Honeycomb Beat


                      Originally posted by bowser123 View Post
                      That Salad game really frustrated me and I didn't get on with it.
                      What didn't you like about it?

                      Originally posted by RLench View Post
                      Try a game called Neves. I love it and it's probably one of my favourite DS games ever. It's a puzzle game with seven different shapes of block and the idea is to twist, rotate, or spin them so that they'll fit into a bigger shape. There are hundreds of puzzles (about 750 iirc) and multiple game modes. It's a really excellent game that - unfortunately - nobody knows about
                      It gets old quite quick, I found. Doing the same thing over and over got a bit boring, there's no variation in any of the modes, which is disappointing.


                        Puzzlers that have got me hooked on thy DS have been Zookeepers and Puzzle Quest.


                          i nearly picked up puzzle quest today but i don't really know much about it


                            For me, the essential DS puzzle games are Meteos and Panel de Pon, (aka Planet Puzzle League). The DS has its share of worthy puzzle games, although
                            all of the better ones have probably been mentioned already. If you're looking for something a little different, albeit more lightweight, I can recommend:
                            • Yosumin DS: Like Zoo Keeper, it started as a flash game, but it can be quite addictive, despite the simplistic design. Great music, though.
                            • Theta: A curious puzzle-cum-aquarium-simulator from ex-Argonaut coder Giles Goddard.
                            • TrionCube: Underneath the cute presentation lurks a rather unsettling, and ultimately simplistic, game.
                            • Gunpey: If you can get your head around the concept, this is a good little puzzler. Personally, I found it annoying, but...
                            • Konductra: I'm being perhaps a bit too kind here, but this is a bit of an acquired taste. Worth looking into if you're searching for something different, but don't expect a polished game.
                            • Kurupoto: Another flash-based puzzler, centred around rotating puzzles. I found the presentation to be supremely irritating, but it's not a bad little game.
                            • Miron no hoshizora shabon: A bit of a Puzzle Bobble rip-off, but this can get quite addictive.
                            • Puyo Puyo; Fifteenth Anniversary : I'm not a Puyo Puyo fan, but this includes a comprehensive amount of the various gameplay modes of all games in the Puyo Puyo series. Wikipedia informs me that the original release had a very unfortunate bug, but a new "Special Price" version is out soon.
                            • Kotoba no puzzle: Mojipittan: The language barrier for this game is quite, quite steep. If you're fluent in Japanese, though, this comes highly recommended. The music is great as well.
                            Last edited by arada392; 01-06-2008, 15:03.

