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wii save file transfers

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    wii save file transfers

    im wondering how simple this is. can you just copy save files over to an sd card? only asking instead of trying as i dont have an sd card yet and want to make sure before i go and buy one (im behind i know). i want to keep a copy of my twilight princess save so i can do the twilight hack to install the homebrew channel. once copied over can the saves be stored on a computer?

    also want to know about smash bros. ive been playing since us launch and so as you can imagine, i have quite a bit of stuff unlocked. however when its released locally on thursday, ill be picking that up too, so i dont have to worry about freeloader each time i play. will the save i already have work with the pal version of the game? if not is it possible to download a save and copy it over to the wii? thanks in advance for any advice.

    Originally posted by mekanor View Post
    im wondering how simple this is. can you just copy save files over to an sd card? only asking instead of trying as i dont have an sd card yet and want to make sure before i go and buy one (im behind i know). i want to keep a copy of my twilight princess save so i can do the twilight hack to install the homebrew channel. once copied over can the saves be stored on a computer?

    also want to know about smash bros. ive been playing since us launch and so as you can imagine, i have quite a bit of stuff unlocked. however when its released locally on thursday, ill be picking that up too, so i dont have to worry about freeloader each time i play. will the save i already have work with the pal version of the game? if not is it possible to download a save and copy it over to the wii? thanks in advance for any advice.
    1. Yes you can just copy or move saves from the Wii's internal storage memory to an inserted SD card or vice versa. However it will not work on online games such as Mario kart Wii/Smash bros brawl etc
    - Apparently It's Nintendo's way to stop people cheating online, e.g downloading the best circuit time online for a course.

    2. Twilight princess will copy over fine, and yes they can be stored on your pc. you can also go here to download saves people have put up for various games. (inc VC games)
    It's always a good idea to back up the saves inc VC/Wiiware games that will transfer just incase your wii goes bust for whatever reason.

    3. No, cross-region saves are not compatible. It will almost definately just make 2 saves on your Wii's memory and will take a fair few blocks at that, which can be a problem if your memory is low (if you buy VC/Wiiware games)
    As mentioned in 1. No you cannot download Smash bros data, and will have to play through it all again unfortunately

    hope that helps


      Originally posted by Ouenben View Post
      No, cross-region saves are not compatible. It will almost definately just make 2 saves on your Wii's memory and will take a fair few blocks at that, which can be a problem if your memory is low (if you buy VC/Wiiware games)
      As mentioned in 1. No you cannot download Smash bros data, and will have to play through it all again unfortunately
      ah thanks. good to hear about tp, but damn... thats a lot of brawl playing, not that i mind i suppose, but annoying nonetheless. i did think i might just stick with my us copy but now i hear freeloaders been blocked... are there any programs (does action replay exist for the wii??) that would let me download a save?


        There is away to copy the locked saves but you need 2 programs on the homebrew channel to do it. Still wont get round the save region problem though & as far as i know theres no program yet to convert saves between regions. So your going to have to start from scratch im afraid.


          Originally posted by importaku View Post
          There is away to copy the locked saves but you need 2 programs on the homebrew channel to do it.
          that was all i needed to hear thanks! i may have to wait a bit but im sure i will be able to download a pal brawl save and then use whatever the homebrew channel programs are to copy it over.

          on a side note, how will this affect online play? is the friend code stored on the disc, and will this have any effect on the save? possibly an unanswerable question unless someone around has downloaded a save for an online game


            The hard part would be finding a pal save as i dont think theres many people that will have copied their saves off their wii's

            One other thing to note when the app copies the save off it splits the save into several separate files so its not like when you just copy a regular save off & have 1 file. To restore you use the restore app to put the save back onto your wii. Its a weird app y as ou have to put the disk in of the game save you want to back up to your sd card & then the app searches your wii & finds the correct matching save for your game.

            But it works i tried it with elebits, i backed up my save then deleted the save off the wii & then restored it back & it worked perfectly.

