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Chase HQ

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    Chase HQ

    Anyone remember this? Fantastic game it is too. Especially the speccy version.

    Just wondering though how much an arcade cab would cost to buy? Stand up version of course.


    Seems from this that you'd be looking at around ?200 ( have to add on a little bit from that auction as the machine was imperfect ), which isn't too bad to have an arcade machine like Chase HQ IMO.


      Originally posted by DJ Sack
      Anyone remember this? Fantastic game it is too. Especially the speccy version.

      Just wondering though how much an arcade cab would cost to buy? Stand up version of course.
      Remember it!!?? Its the game that ruined Christmas!! I still have nightmares over the utterly ****ing wank C64 conversion.


        But it was class on the Spectrum 128, smooth graphics, speed, music and the speech. Got the last highest review score of the year of an 8 bit machine in C+VG.


          Originally posted by MD
          But it was class on the Spectrum 128, smooth graphics, speed, music and the speech. Got the last highest review score of the year of an 8 bit machine in C+VG.
          Exactly! It was a double smack in the face!


            But it was class on the Spectrum 128, smooth graphics, speed, music and the speech. Got the last highest review score of the year of an 8 bit machine in C+VG.
            treble smack, was great on the PC Engine too


              I remember the spectrum version from a box set that contained Chase HQ, Hard Drivin', Turbo Outrun and Powerdrift. Man, that set kept me occupied for months. Wheels of Fire I think it was called - ?15 from WH Smiths back in '91 - I remember my grandad getting it for me whilst I was at school. Ahh, the days... 8)


                I had the Gameboy version and thought it poor. Far too easy.


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  I remember the spectrum version from a box set that contained Chase HQ, Hard Drivin', Turbo Outrun and Powerdrift. Man, that set kept me occupied for months. Wheels of Fire I think it was called - ?15 from WH Smiths back in '91 - I remember my grandad getting it for me whilst I was at school. Ahh, the days... 8)
                  I had that too! The speccy rocked! Also had stunt car driver and the original outrun (multi-load after each stage!!). Legendary games. I used to throw a fair few 10p's in the chase hq coin-op at the sports centre too.... LETS GO MR DRIVER!! it was cool, I could usually get to the 4th stage on 1 credit which was more than I could ever do on outrun.

                  The sequel Special Criminal investigation I remember being awful..... this was only compounded for me by the SNES version which was truly awful (it wasn't even like the arcade)


                    Originally posted by Garibaldi Biscuit

                    Seems from this that you'd be looking at around ?200 ( have to add on a little bit from that auction as the machine was imperfect ), which isn't too bad to have an arcade machine like Chase HQ IMO.
                    Hmm might have to stop off at my local chippie and make him an offer.


                      Yeah, the speccy version was the best by far. Remember the master system version, hmmm???


                        Yeah, the speccy version was the best by far. I was very surprised they kept in all the hills, dips and jumps ect, great. I remember going to sell some stuff at a car boot sale with my mum just so i could get it, 10quid was alot in those days

                        Remember the master system version, hmmm???


                          i love my saturn version


                            Alongside Powerdrift & Golden Axe, this was one of my favourite coin-ops back in the days. I have a copy on MAME now.

                            Actually I was playing Burnout 2 in pursuit mode the other day and couldn't help think of Chase HQ.


                              SCI was where the action was. Guns and bazookas.

